Thursday, July 18, 2013

It is time to rise!

Deep inside every human's soul, they silently scream for a savior.

 Their true selves chained inside, they hopelessly wander, blinded from the truth. Like dead men they waste away, seeking light, but finding none.

 Deep inside, they scream to be freed from manifested wounds inflicted on lost souls. Truth and justice flee, replaced by a malicious darkness and a vile enemy, whispering lies and deception in dulled ears.

 In a mad scramble, they fight amongst themselves in a desperate fear to acquire wealth and power; but in the end they lose it all and fade away to nothing.

And yet, despite their hate, they still cry out for someone to come and save them. They yearn to drown in His love, but have lost their way.

 Some shout and roar, screaming in rebellion and hate of this love, but do they know the truth? No, they are blinded by their own deception. They amble about in preconceived lies, believing deception as truth.

Despite wretched souls like these, mercy came. the Ruler and Creator of all, Jesus' power had no bounds.

 As master and King of all flesh, it was His right to rule. But he did so not with an iron fist crushing the indignant horde, but with love and compassion.

 Man, in their fallen state, was brought low, destined to die for their sins. But in His great mercy and love, the King stepped in and changed all of our destinies.

 The Master of the universe came to Earth, not as a king, but a servant. The Master of all time and space confined himself to a mortal form, but He did not proclaim His right to rule.

Through humility and compassion He waged a different kind of war, a battle fought not waged by blade and blood, but mercy.

 It was for the very ones who drove the nails into His body that He died. He died for the mockers, the murderers, the liars, the betrayers…He shed His blood so they could be freed from the curse. When He rose from the grave, it was as if all creation had been commanded to take notice, as they should. The King had risen back to glory, and the enemy was defeated once and for all.

 Through His example, people began to realize that through their voices, they could proclaim His Word. When they rose up, it was not by man's ability, but by someone greater. Like Jesus had when He dwelled amongst us, they fought in a war unlike any before or to come.

 Suddenly, the enemy realized that they had underestimated the very people they believed had been brought low. Their voices raised to a roar, they refused to be silenced. Their proclamation of God's love and redemption rang through time, and it still resonates today.


Once again ignorance and deception are attacking this land. A people, if united under a common cause, could stand strong. This is war! It is not a racial war, a political war, a religious war, or even a war of ideals and opinions. It is a war that has been raging since the dawn of time, a battle between good and evil. It is time for people to WAKE UP! We spend so much time and energy in things that do not matter, and yet fail to remember our true calling; setting the captives free and showing them God's wondrous love. We need to rise above the deception and see the truth behind the lies! We cannot afford to be afraid to tell the truth, for the truth will set us free!

Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal…none of these things matter anymore! We must cast these molds aside and love one another! Black, white, what really is the difference? We are all human! We all feel pain, hurt, regret, happiness and love; it hurts my heart to see Christians caught up in the demonic assault.

 No longer, we need to learn to love, not hate. We are all human, and we all can get along. God loves us all, He does not favor one over the other. God needs to be at the center of this country, or else life will not remain the way it is. Forever in my heart, the motto rings true, 'In God We Trust.' Political affiliations no longer matter, God matters!
It is time to rise! We must no longer stay in this state, it is time for us to take a stand for what we believe in! If we do not raise the standard, who will? If we do not make a stand, who will? It is our time to make a difference in this dark day, we need to allow God to shine through us, and if we do, anything can happen. We must make a difference, and the only way for us to do so is if we make a stand.


The Warriors of Aragnar isn't Gone and Neither am I!

  This. Has. Been. A. Year. I have wanted to write so much on this blog over the past months. So, so, many things have taken place. In many ...