Monday, November 2, 2020

The Warriors of Aragnar isn't Gone and Neither am I!


This. Has. Been. A. Year.

I have wanted to write so much on this blog over the past months. So, so, many things have taken place. In many ways I feel I have changed. Grown. But I have realized that if I am to share words here, I had to write many things for myself first. I had to seek God. 2020 has been weighted with loss, pain, and despair. And despite the chaos this year has wrought, there has yet still been light. 

My journey as an author hasn't been an easy one. There have been roadblocks, randomly unfortunate events, and plenty of setbacks. No one plans on discovering their cover artist was actually a fraud. Many, many, many times it has felt as if I wasn't really meant to be an author - well, a successful one at least. Regardless, I have pressed on (in part due to stubbornness and sheer inability to give up) and have been determined to share my stories with the world. Thankfully, God only made my team SO much better! My dear friend, and insanely talented artist Christin (who graduated at LU with me!) was willing to take the job as the new cover artist for the Aragnar books - and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made! Not only are the new covers much more dynamic and inviting than the previous ones, but they are true to the characters. Christin read the books before designing their new covers, so it has been a true blessing to have an artist who knows the characters as well as I do!

The re-release of the Aragnar books has been a welcome beam of light in a very dark time. Between the stress of the world's current state, my own life, and of those around me - it honestly is enough to dampen my sprits and rip my focus from the good. I'm certain I'll go into more depth about such things in posts to come, but for now, what matters is that I'm still trying. I'm still pushing through. I haven't given up on my dreams despite every reason and opportunity to do so. And I know if I can somehow manage to pull my motely self together into some semblance of functionality; I know others can, too. You all can. Because I know for 1000% certain I'm no better than any other person on this planet. Times are hard - and tomorrow is the election...another stressor, for sure. But God is bigger than cover artist mishaps, the dark corners of our hearts we don't talk about, uncertain dumpster fire elections, and all of our own failings. 

This post isn't just a filler article to revamp a blog. This isn't the simple ramblings of an over-tired author. Well, maybe a little. This, I hope, will serve as a reminder that even when life gets insanely difficult and the darkness is just a little too much - or a lot - there is light on the other side. Even when the world is too loud and the chaos rattles our bones. There is a fire inside, regardless. There is a God who is unshakable, lives that are redeemable, and families to be found. And sometimes, that's all we need to keep going. 


  1. Thank you so much for sharing, Elizabeth!! Hearing your story, of how God helped you through so much darkness, is super encouraging for my own life! And I think it reflects that in your AMAZING books! I am so looking forward to Wings of Darkness... and the remaining Warriors of Aragnar books to come!!!

    1. You're so very welcome! I'm very happy to hear that it encouraged you; if anything I've experienced can help someone else, that is my goal! I appreciate your kind words and I do hope you enjoy them!!


The Warriors of Aragnar isn't Gone and Neither am I!

  This. Has. Been. A. Year. I have wanted to write so much on this blog over the past months. So, so, many things have taken place. In many ...