Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day: Reflections of the Past, Challenge to the Future

When we look at those who live, we often can see echoes of those who have gone before us. It is easy to recite cliche phrases and play the part of an understanding citizen, but do we truly grasp the weighty significance of sacrifice, and the responsibilities that follow? It is a question I often ask myself, and as the days roll on, and times grow ever more tumultuous. 

For me, being a citizen of the United States is an immense blessing, and it is something I have promised myself to never take for granted. The problem is, many people do indeed take their freedoms for granted, foolishly assuming they'll always exist. The faultiness in such logic is incredibly dangerous and lethal. Now, I'm not saying that we're necessarily going to lose those things, however, it is wisdom to stay vigilant and hold the government accountable. Even the Bible tells us to be vigilant, and ever on our guard. That's not to say that we should be fearful of the future, for we are already promised victory through Christ. 

Victory never comes without a great price. The only reason America is still free is because we've had to defend that freedom, time and time again. Countless lives have been lost in those bloodbaths we call war, and despite the atrocities committed, and the violence of bloodshed, those lives were lost in hope that they would provide a better future. 

We honor those great warriors, and days like this one are set aside to do so. My heart aches for the families who have lost loved ones overseas, and I am equally overwhelmed by the bravery and courage in the hearts of those who serve. When I think of their great sacrifice, I'm reminded of the greatest sacrifice of all; one that redeemed even the most fractured, and broken of us all. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our freedom, and His freedom is not simply a national right, but true freedom from the sting of death and the promise of salvation of the cross.

Yes, there's a lot of broken people in this world, and that's what makes life worth living. We cannot let such sacrifices be done in vain, and it is our responsibility to live our lives with purpose. Without vision, the people perish, but with a Godly, kingdom minded vision...imagine what our world would be like?

Freedom or Death: A Poem

We all long for utopia and yet, and maddening sense of euphoria
Is all we get when we're drowning in hopeless misery.
We the people idolize obsession,
Under the guise of hated oppression.
Look left! Feelings guide us!
Look right! Tradition binds us!

We are fools trapped in our own philosophy,
Stuck in selfish monotony.
We cry for freedom, yet tighten our chains.
We speak of independence, yet make ourselves slaves.

Freedom and death are more akin then you'd believe.
Once breaks physical chains, the other brings eternal reprieve.
Freedom and death: two sides of the same coin.
Forever intertwined, always joined.
Hopeless, humanity squanders its self-worth 
All for a cause we do not deserve.

We are the great paradoxes of the universe,
We hunger for individuality, and yet demand severance
From The One who gave us the desire to live free.  
Is it a cry for autonomy or ugly betrayal?
I pray we discover which is true.

For freedom and death, we must decide with whom we align.
The coin is flipping...will it land on your side?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Fall of Pride

Yet again, I've written another poem, and I must say that this one by far rivals the intensity of my past works. It's my favorite so far! (And my eagle obsession still stands...)

Pick a bullet for every one of my regrets,
Line the walls with truth, a smoking gun.
I'm in your sights, but I don't buy your threats.

I can't run from what I've become,
Pulsating in me, the trigger tightens.
Ready, aim, fire; I march to a higher drum.

Wailing, screaming, the siren cries,
Too late, the fire's already ignited.
Raining ashes through shattering skies.

You can't match the thunder of my artillery,
Not with the light of a thousand suns.
A bitter facade, your pathetic lies are history.

Propaganda only goes as far as belief,
Feared obedience will always end up shunned.
Like miry mud, the consequences bear little relief.

Why wave a banner so soaked in blood?
You've failed, and yet you're still fighting?
Vengeance comes like a rushing flood.

Dripping with venom, your words,
Filled with cunning, a desirable affliction.
Who knew tongues were flaming swords?

Your danger is that you're a mirror,
And my reflection, how it frightens me.
How have our similarities ever been clearer?

I'll crush your crumbling walls apart,
Tear the seams of a failed regime.
I'll show you who's got the warrior's heart.

And you'll question, what was I from the very start?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

There and Back Again, A College Student's Tale

Tomorrow will mark my final day at Liberty University for the spring semester, and as the hours fade into twilight, I will have completed my first academic year at this incredible school! A lot has happened in a year's time, far more then even I had realized at first. 

Who knew a mere year could change a person so much?

Yes, there have been ups and downs. Storms bigger then I've ever faced have raged, and at times, I've found myself questioning my calling. Then, there are the good days. The rainy, overcast afternoon accompanied with a cup of coffee and my computer, writing stories. The sunny, blustery morning that turns to a fiery evening when the sun illuminates the clouds and mountaintops with blazing glory. Such experiences fill my heart with such a fierce joy, there aren't enough words to describe it.

And that, my friends, is how I've discovered the unending, overflowing, encompassing love of God.

You see, it's easy to only see the darkness when you never take your eyes off the storm. If you only focus on the raging force of the wind, you never realize that you actually have what it takes to fly above it. I myself found a great storm in my path this semester, and for the longest time, I let it rule over me. I allowed the storm to become bigger then God. Despite this, He never left me or forsook me, and when I (finally) saw the truth, He was right there, arms open wide, ready to comfort me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. 

If you ever want to change, to become more like Christ, are you willing to endure the cost?

I sure thought I had it all figured out. I thought I knew my major, my path, and dare say it, I was fairly confident in my ability to walk in my destiny. However, I forgot one not-so teeny detail. I was putting more faith in my own strength then in God's. Suddenly, when everything seemed to cave underneath my feet, I quickly discovered that I was nowhere near the "I've got it all figured out" stage of my life (If that stage even exists, let's be honest.) Instead of thinking I could handle it all myself, I have been learning how to trust God more then I ever have before. 

Turns out, God's plan is ALWAYS much better than anything we can conjure. 

Despite the road bumps and turbulence, God gave me the strength I needed to keep going. No matter the difficulty, He always had the answer. Looking back at this year, I am so blessed to say that I never went without anything, despite being jobless (to my greatest frustration), nor did I ever lack money when I needed it. Whether it was a surprise check from Kroger, my old job, or a gift, God always provided for my needs. 

Just when you think you're at the end of your rope, it's actually only the beginning of God's. 

I had to learn to trust God in more ways then ever before, and through this year, I've seen my faith in Him grow. If I were to talk to myself from a year ago, I know she'd be shocked to see what I've become. Not in a bad way, but in a mind-blowing one. Turns out the girl who thought she didn't have much gusto actually has veins of fire. Through this year, God has shown Himself to me in mighty ways, has always answered my prayers, and has ignited my passions more then ever before. 

Do you trust God to work things out, even when circumstances are beyond your understanding?

I sure do. If I've learned one thing this year, it's that God is far greater then my fears. I look forward to this summer, that is true, but I also am very excited for what the fall will bring. There's still a bit of a long road to go, but with God's grace I will march on. I'm not entirely sure where this road is taking me, but I know that wherever I go, He will be with me, and I will be perfectly all right. 

God is so good!

The Warriors of Aragnar isn't Gone and Neither am I!

  This. Has. Been. A. Year. I have wanted to write so much on this blog over the past months. So, so, many things have taken place. In many ...