Tuesday, May 20, 2014

On Eagle's Wings

     We all face times in life that are just plain difficult. There's always a bump in the road, complication, or trouble...let's face it, life's not easy! There are times when we face real challenges and real struggles, and they can wear you down. When the storm of difficulty and despair rolls in, we tend to bunker down, hoping to ride it out and survive another day.
     This mindset is a natural reaction, but it is not a good one. Times may be rough and the days may grow dark, but as Christians, we should forsake fear and stand. God has equipped all of us with the strength necessary to stand in the face of the darkness and proclaim our victory. Jesus already has won the fight, and all we must do is walk with confidence, knowing the battle has already been won.
     Like an eagle soaring above the storm, God will keep us safe from harm. Do not let how you feel affect how you fight.
    " But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:30-31
     Do not let your present troubles stop you from walking in victory. If all you can do is stand in the midst of trouble, stand all the more! We are conquerors and overcomers, and as children of the One True King, we have won this war because Jesus already did for us.
     So take courage, stand strong, and soar above the storm like the eagle! You can and you will overcome whatever you are facing! God's got this, just trust him!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Look What's Here!

After some research and shopping around, I found a wonderful print-on-demand company to publish paperback versions of Wings of Honor! The proof copes came in, and I am so happy with the results! I have worked on proofing them and updating the manuscript so that it is as perfect as possible, and the paperbacks will be available for purchase soon! If you want to purchase one or check them out, go to TheBookPatch.com!

Dinosaurs: Millions of Years or Six Day Creation?

     We all are familiar with Dinosaurs, those creatures of the past that both terrify us and delight us. Many believe that they are shrouded in mystery, both in origin and extinction. Evolutionists are quick to claim that they lived millions of years ago, a theory that has dominated children's literature and people's minds for years. It has polluted books, movies, television, ect...and will not stop. Sadly many Christians-who should stand against this view-have fallen into the trap of evolutionary thinking and have tried to place evolution in the Bible. Theistic Evolution is a theory that has grown in popularity and number, and it is a dangerous worldview.
     Why? you may ask. Why does it matter? Are origins THAT important? Does what I believe about creation really matter in the big picture?
     Well, it does and it should.
     "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..." Genesis is a very important book of the Bible, just like the rest. It is the only book in history that gives an accurate historical account of our creation, and ultimately, our purpose. Without Genesis, we would not know about the fall of man, the flood, and God's merciful salvation. It tells of God's plan of redemption, and leads us to the cross where He died for our sins.
Would you read a book and skip the prologue? Would you ignore the first chapter and start in the middle? No, that's not how a book works, and that's not how the Bible works either. Those who claim the creation account is nothing more than a child's tale are missing the truth. It is a dangerous view to hold, and can lead to problems further on. If you do not believe the beginning of the Bible is true, how are you expected to believe Jesus died on the cross? Couldn't that be a fictional tale as well? If one part of the Bible is viewed as false, than the rest of the scripture can also be taken as false.
     There is great speculation on whether creation was completed in a regular six-days or extended periods of time. Old earth creationists insist millions of years will be found in-between the lines, and young earth creationists stand firmly on six literal days. What is truth? What is fiction? It depends on how you look at the evidence. Scientists, Christians, Atheists, etc...it doesn't matter. We all have the same evidence, it just depends on how we look at it. President of Answers In Genesis, Ken Ham stated it perfectly. He explained that we all look at things through two different sets of glasses, God's Word and man's word. If you look at the evidence through the glasses of God's Word, everything will be made clear. If you look at the evidence through the clouded glasses of man's word, you will only find confusion. Trying to add man's fallible word into the infallible Word of God is a dangerous thing...as it says in the Bible, light and dark cannot mix.
You may wonder what all this has to do with dinosaurs. Once again, why does this matter? It matters because dinosaurs have been used as a tool for years. Many children love them and are fascinated by them, and those who wish to carry the evolutionist theory have fed lies through television and movies into the minds of children. When I was a child I loved dinosaurs (okay, I still do) and I wanted to watch anything that had dinosaurs in it. This resulted in an overwhelming assault of evolutionary ideals, and my parents refused to allow me to become indoctrinated with those views. Instead, they bought me as many books from Answers In Genesis that they could, and I read those instead. I am so very grateful for my parent's wisdom, and thankfully I never believed in evolution.
     Now, looking back, I am angry. Children are quick to believe anything, and only showing one world-view in media has aided the cause of evolution in this country, as well as others.
     What about dinosaur's extinction? What really happened to them? If you look at the Bible, it will tell you. When the great flood of Noah's day occurred, he took two of every kind of animal on the ark. Since dinosaurs were created alongside man, they would be alive and well on the earth during this time. They would have been on the ark as well as every other animal kind, and would have lived on the earth after the flood. I'm sure you've heard of dragon legends, they are numerous and are common in almost every culture. Why is that? It's because the 'dragons' they slayed were actually dinosaurs! The word 'dinosaur' was not coined until 1840 by Sir Richard Owen, so what were they called before? Dragons! So before you're quick to believe dinosaurs and man didn't live together, think again. There is evidence that dinosaurs and man coexisted, and this evidence should not be so quickly ignored. Tales such as Saint George and the Dragon are abundant, and as men slayed these dragons, it brought about their decrease in numbers and eventual extinction.
     Children's minds have been indoctrinated with false views, and it is very dangerous indeed. As Christians, we must ask a very important question. How can this be turned around? We can use their ammunition against them. Dinosaurs are appealing to children-and adults-and are an excellent asset in the Christian's arsenal. That is why it is important to understand where they came from and why they matter. Ultimately, we can use them to point to the Creator and the cross, and tell the beautiful story of redemption and salvation in which we all play a part.

The Warriors of Aragnar isn't Gone and Neither am I!

  This. Has. Been. A. Year. I have wanted to write so much on this blog over the past months. So, so, many things have taken place. In many ...