Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Great News!

I am happy to announce that Wings of Honor just received a five star review from Reader's Favorite! God is so good, and I know that He is going to do great things through this book series.

"Wings of Honor, Book 1 of The Warriors of Aragnar Trilogy by Elizabeth Hornberger, is the incredible story of Maria, her family, and her best friend Daniel, all followers of The One True King. They are in constant danger as Raveyn, the Aragnarian King who sits on an earthly throne, becomes less tolerant with each passing day of those who follow The One. Maria's father taught her the ways of a warrior at a very early age and, upon his death, Maria finds these skills coming on only in handy, but being highly necessary. When Raveyn finally makes a move on their village to eradicate the followers of The One, they are forced to flee. Maria gets some unexpected help as her mother, brother, and Daniel, along with the other believers from their village, are caught and taken captive. But their victory over Raveyn is bittersweet for Maria as she suffers loss and heartache. A revelation from The One True King to Maria fills her with uncertainty as she faces a future fraught with something more monstrous than the one they have just defeated. Fortunately, she won't face it along, and only time will tell if she's found more than just an ally in Aleron.

Wings of Honor was an enchanting read for me. I was pulled into this story immediately. Elizabeth Hornberger showed pure talent as she painted her characters and the world they lived in with a vivid brush. Excellent dialogue and actions brought her characters to life right from the start. This story isn't just about the age-old theme of good versus evil; it's a refreshing and engrossing depiction of destiny, faith, and courage in the lives of her characters. Carried out by a seemingly unlikely heroine, it reinforced the fact that The One can use even the least of us to do wondrous feats. I highly recommend this book, and I look forward to reading the next one in this trilogy. I can't wait to see if a certain spark turns into a flame!"

-Barbara Garcia, Reader's Favorite

The Warriors of Aragnar isn't Gone and Neither am I!

  This. Has. Been. A. Year. I have wanted to write so much on this blog over the past months. So, so, many things have taken place. In many ...