Monday, June 11, 2018

HEAV Convention: An Absolute Sellout!

I am finally returning to a regular schedule of posts, after spending the last two weeks preparing for the Virginia homeschoolers convention! I had first attended this convention as a vendor two years ago under the Young Entrepreneurs section, and now I finally had a chance to return; this time as a full-blown vendor under my own brand. 

I have to admit I wasn't sure what to expect. My first experience had been good, but disappointing in some ways, so I was naturally a little nervous. After all, this was to be my first book signing as a traditionally published author, and there are certain risks to be taken when undergoing such an endeavor. Being a new author can honestly be scary at times, but also incredibly exciting. 

I am happy to say that I did not leave discouraged. In fact, I found my passion for writing rekindled through the passion and fire in the hearts of many, many young people I encountered. Not only did I sell out of every single copy of Wings of Honor, as well as most of Wings of Darkness (all but two), but I also got the chance to meet so many aspiring authors and writers!

Speaking to these amazing young people truly humbled me. I honestly found it a little difficult to stand there as they looked up at me with admiration...because I truly still see myself as one of them; a fiery dreamer with goals as big as the sky. Who am I but a simple artist with a love of words, who wants to bring hope to a dying world? Some would call that statement dramatic, and perhaps it is. But if it is truthful, then at least I can speak with candor.

I was also incredibly blessed to have my best friend (basically a sister) Sarah help me run the booth and keep the operation smooth and stress-free! Not only has she inspired my writing and encouraged me to share my stories with the world, but she has been a steadfast warrior at my side through thick and thin. Seriously, every writer needs a friend as awesome and indispensable as her! Thank you sis, for all you do, it is not taken for granted!

Yes, I experienced overwhelming success, but money is not my end-goal, nor will it ever be. I really enjoyed encouraging these incredibly talented young writers to press forward into their writing, and to never give up on the story God has given them! I hope to read their stories one day, I sure am excited for each and every one of them as they embark on their journeys God has in store for them! 

This is my favorite part of writing; meeting like-minded people who share a similar passion for writing. Sure, I love penning stories and delving deep into worlds previously unknown...but how precious is a heart full of love for books that could one day change the world? 

Even if my books never fall into the hands of another reader, this past weekend has proven to me that what I have done, and am doing, matters. That God is using me to touch people I have never met, and perhaps may never truly know. And even if I never get to meet these young people again, I am praying for them all every single day! May I always carry that passion in my heart as long as I write, and I pray I never forget that God is the source of my stories, as well as my success. 

I am so thankful for everyone who came out and supported me, purchased my books, and shared in my dream! You guys are the best, and I am so grateful to have met every single one of you! 

I plan on doing more events in the future, and as soon as I have some events set in stone, I will share them on my blog and Facebook pages! 

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