Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wings of Darkness is on its way, featuring new art!

As the title of today's article suggests, my second novel in The Warriors of Aragnar is soon to be released! While I do not have a set release date yet; there won't be much more of a wait! I am truly blessed to have a publisher that not only believes in my story, but also gives me the opportunity to do so much more then simply write books.

As you surely can tell, writing isn't the only pastime that I enjoy. I also like to illustrate my story world through the avenue of concept art-like pieces that bring Aragnar (and beyond) to vivid life. Even though I am still learning how to be a better artist, and develop my skills, art is a passion of mine that has a very special place in my heart. After all, I have drawn longer then I have written (believe it or not, I wasn't born with a pen in my hand) and it is something that has lasted with me over the years.

I was initially surprised that my publisher included several pieces of my artwork in the back of Wings of Honor. It wasn't something that I had expected, and I am so grateful for the chance to share not only my writing, but my art as well. Due to this opportunity, I strove to compile several pieces for the back of the second book that were more of concept sketches in style.

I truly desire for Aragnar to be an immersive experience for the reader. The story-world is so massive and full of life in my head, if I can even capture a quarter of that through my writing and artwork, I view it as a success! Being able to depict my own characters and illustrate the creatures of the world is a true blessing that I am grateful God gave me.

In the following weeks, I hope to be able to announce the release date for Wings of Darkness! I am truly pleased with this book, and I can't wait to share it with you all! There still is a long way to go in the series (well, two books at least) and I'm honestly still blown away by the fact that I am able to release these books, MY books, and share them with the world! God is so good!     

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Of Storms and Trials: Hope isn't Dead

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation that seems to have no end in sight? Like a powerful storm that blocks all of the light, it swallows hope and seems to last forever. I have found that comparing the trials in my life to storms can be the most effective way to voice how I've felt in those moments. 

Like storms, trials I've encountered (and still am) are always hard, and often very dark. Sometimes I even forget what blue skies look like. In those times of darkness, I have a tendency to panic, and look at the lightning and rain instead of God. The storm sure seems more real then God does, doesn't it? 

That's because I've been fixing my eyes on the wrong target. Instead of looking at what seems to be doom, I have to force myself to keep my eyes focused on Him. More times then not, it feels like flying blind, unable to see the ground or any landmark to guide my way.  

But honestly? It is in those moments that I've grown the most in my faith. 

The world we live in is filled with noise. It's hard to hear God's still, small voice inside us when we're focused on the static of chaos instead of the steady promise of His Word. Because newsflash, when God tells us to "be still", He isn't talking about literally freezing in place and not even breathing. He's talking about a lifestyle. 

Two days ago, a terrible storm hit Lynchburg, Va, where my school, Liberty University is located. Rarely do the storm sirens sound, but that day, I heard them wailing through the dark skies at least four times. I had known we were going to get bad weather, but I didn't know how bad it would be. As the weather moved in and the sirens continued to sound, we were issued a tornado warning. 

I probably didn't take it as seriously as I should have. We never have had a tornado near Liberty in the last three years of my time attending the school, so why worry? Well, we didn't have a tornado touch down on campus and destroy anything (thank God) but the community of Lynchburg did. 

As I watched videos of destroyed buildings, shattered glass, and crushed vehicles, my heart hurt for my community. While I was safe indoors, fairly certain that nothing bad was going to happen, there were people huddled in their homes hoping to survive the storm. 

The storm finally passed, and the sun was once again seen in the sky, but the light revealed a saddening truth. Some were without homes, and others had their stores and businesses damaged. What could be done? Thankfully, I am proud to go to a college full of missionaries for Christ. This upcoming Saturday, Liberty University will join with our community in an event called Serve Lynchburg. Thousands of Liberty students and faculty, including myself, will reach out to the community in their time of need and help rebuild what was lost. 

You see, we ourselves may not be experiencing a storm of devastating proportion, but we never know who is. Whether it is a very real, physical storm, or an internal one, we as Christians are called to help those who are less fortunate then us, and be and hands and feet of Jesus. 

While some of this may sound cliche, it still doesn't change the fact that it is true. When I have been in some of the most terrible storms of my life, the people who got down in the trenches with me and weathered the onslaught are the ones to whom I owe so much. Why wouldn't I do the same for them? Or for a stranger I don't know? 

I believe God places us in the path of divine opportunities. And quite frankly, it's not about us. While we sure will grow out of those sort of situations, the honor and glory goes to God. We must be willing to serve Him in any capacity, even if it isn't easy. 

As my best friend told me a year ago, "fair weather never made for strong feathers." It's a quote that has stuck with me since then, and I feel it is appropriate to share with you all. When storms rise and darkness seems final, never forget that hope is stronger then fear!

Monday, April 9, 2018

New Story Excerpt: Historical Fiction

Today will be a different sort of post. I normally don't share pieces of my fiction writing on this blog, but today, I will have to make an exception.

I have been working on my fourth and final novel in The Warriors of Aragnar, but I took a short break to embark on a side-journey for just a little while. I have been wanting to write a historical fiction book for many years, and I had an idea I just had to write down. This following excerpt is the result. This story is still without a title, but it is set in WW2, and focuses on several German and American characters. It's quite different then the average historical fiction, but I'll leave that a secret for now. There will be more to come! In the meanwhile, enjoy!

Prologue: Memoirs of a Traveler

There is a certain silence in war.
A peace amidst adversity.
I had never imagined that in my years of life, I would experience something so horrid. The history books cannot hold a candle to what is seen before one’s very eyes.
I would know, because I walked between the lines of bloodstained ink, through the very laws of reality itself.
I saw. I lived.
I loved.

CH 1: Sound and Fury

“Death has no name other then what he is given. But surely, if he were a sound, it would be the wailing of sirens, the screaming of bombs.”

The night sky erupted into billows of flame, explosions shaking the earth. Mere moments later, the sirens screamed a warning too late. Searchlights flicked on with sluggish assurance, whipping through the chilly night sky. Black shapes filled the air, enemy planes laden with more bombs. Another explosion cut through the dark, sending pieces of brick, mortar, and debris hurtling unseen in every direction.

Screams echoed on the streets as helpless townspeople scurried toward the shelters, hands over their heads as they cowered in fear. The airplanes were so high above, and yet the roars of their engines reverberated in one’s ears…were they all diving now? Had it come to such a desperate course of action that nothing but total annihilation remained? Who could answer, for fear was the only thing that was certain. Death was sure to follow.

A lone figure ran across the cobblestone street, his officer’s uniform unblemished, medals gleaming in the firelight. He looked anything but brave. His face was taut with desperation, and his lips moved, but no words could be heard over the frantic din.

People paid him no mind as he rushed down a crowded road, they simply moved out of his way, too focused on their own safety. He, however, paid no mind to such things, for his urgency drove him onward.

He turned down the familiar street that led to his home, his stomach already twisting in somersaults as the acrid stench of smoke hit the back of his throat. He gagged, but continued running. He wouldn’t believe it, wouldn’t voice his fears until he knew he was wrong.

It could be said that fear is a stronger driving force then reason.

A ragged sob erupted from his throat, and he dropped to his knees. His officer’s cap fell from his bowed head, and dropped to the scorched stone road.

His home was utterly destroyed. Not a single wall remained standing.

“Amelie, no…” the words were forced off his tongue, laced with brokenness. Tears ran down his face, but he didn’t care who saw. His beloved wife of a mere eight months, pregnant with their baby boy, was gone. “My God, not her, anything but her!”

He threw back his head and screamed at the night sky, tears pouring down his neck and staining his shirt collar.

The sirens still screamed their warning, too late.

(This story is my original content, please don't copy/alter in any way, shape, or form, thank you!)
Image found on, not mine!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Paper Mache Heart: A Poem

Have you ever had a day in which nothing seems to go right? Or perhaps an entire week? A Year? For me, the past two days have been nothing but pain, strain, and little gain. (Okay, I tried to pun, don't shoot me! I'm honestly shocked I have the energy.) Life's thrown me an ample amount of difficulty, and it's been hard for me to keep my head above the raging waves. If it were possible to physically drown in stress, I already would have.

Now, I know that stressing won't do me any good. And I'm faithful to remind myself of a continue to stress. Why is it so hard to simply stay in faith? How come God seems to shrink down to the size of an insignificant pea every time I'm cast in the shadow of a mountain? Yes, it's perspective, and no, I shouldn't stay there. But sometimes, all the best advice in the world seems entirely worthless when you're hurting, upset, and beyond the realm of rationality. When I'm struggling with my fears, I always ask myself, "will it ever get any better?"

Thankfully, there's a good end to this story. You see, even though I am faulty, imperfect, and sometimes far too riddled with fear, God is faithful. He patiently holds me close in His arms as I weep, and walks with me through my trial-filled day. And you know what the best part is? Even when I hurl accusations His way, He doesn't shun me because of it. He keeps loving me through my pain. Not only does He care for me through my hurts, but He still blesses me regardless. 

I was given the most incredible opportunity today, one that will advance my future career, as well as my books. While I will give more details as this unfolds, I am so stunned, excited, and in awe of what God is doing in my life. I never imagined I'd get a chance to use my talents in such a way during my time in college, and I honestly am not sure where this will take me. All I know is that God, in His loving mercy, still gave me a tremendous blessing I desperately needed despite my tired, worn out, ragged faith. In my traditional fashion, I wrote a new poem about how I had felt, and how God's faithfulness never wanes of fades. I hope you enjoy it!

"Paper Mache Heart"

You say you want to fly like a bird,
But you're too scared to let go.
Of all the things that weigh your mind,
The hurts that crush your soul. 

"If I had wings, I'd fly far away", you say,
Wishful thinking of a grounded dreamer.
Who claws for waning courage to stay,
Regardless, deep down, you're still eager.

To taste the freedom of the sky, oh but pain,
That tears through the winded feathers.
Like paper, you watch them blow away,
You wonder if you'll ever find fairer weather.

But something inside you refuses to concede,
Against all the raging odds, it lifts high above.
You learn that no matter how much you bleed,
A soft voice whispers, "You're good enough."    

You think your heart's made of paper mache,
But truly, it is anchored deep in firm stone.
No matter what happens, never forget to pray,
For you will find victory through Christ alone.

You're fighting your very hardest,
Don't let them tell you their lies.
Faith shines forth in the darkness,
Against all odds, you will rise.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Art and Inspiration: Tools of Creativity

Sometimes I am honestly shocked by how far my books have come. I created this comic in 2016 for a class project, and it quickly grew into something more. I had a narrative, a story that had to be told. In the year 2014, I already had drafted out a book that I want to publish as a 'short story'. Never had I imagined in my wildest dreams that it would turn into a four novel saga. 

It was in 2015 that I published the original version of the story, even though it admittedly had many, many errors. It was in 2016 that I revised the tale, and repackaged it entirely. Through artwork like the rudimentary comic page above, I was inspired to take the story to new heights. 

In the original manuscript, the story was painfully boring. I'll freely admit that, being my own worst critic, but I knew it had potential. It was only after I first started to create concept art for the book that I discovered many of the ideas that are in the final version today. I had always been an artist, but I came to realize the power of illustrating my story, and the spark of creativity that would follow.

Since then, I have constantly been illustrating my story world. From the characters to the creatures, and even to the geography itself, my artwork has brought the books to vivid life. Even if I never share all the plethora of messy sketches and anatomy concepts with the world, they have been an enormous wealth of inspiration. 

What really blows my mind is seeing my characters in other artist's art styles. From the covers to commissions, seeing my characters through other's interpretations is honestly amazing! Since I've always done my own art, thinking of other artists drawing MY characters is crazy! Who would have thought? I certainly didn't.

It all goes to show you that you never know what God will do with your gifts and talents, and when you put them to His uses, you never know how far you'll go. Now that I'm nearing the release of my second novel in The Warriors of Aragnar and my own self-publication of my poem book, Dauntless, I certainly have been busy. But these busy days have quickly become some of the best days of my life.

I'm doing what I love, and I'm able to share it with the world. It's what I've always dreamed of doing, and to see it actually taking place just takes my breath away. I sure have a long way to go, but I'm choosing to enjoy the ride, and see where life takes me. It's a choice that it's easy, but one we must all make. God knows what He's doing even when we don't (which is honestly most of the time) but He is faithful to us!

No matter where we are in life, we can find happiness if only we focus on the bringer of life, instead of the lies whispered in our ears. The enemy tried to convince me to stop writing, but something inside of me refused to give up. Likewise, we must never give up in the face of trials, and once we finally emerge from the storm, we'll see that we are stronger then ever.   

The Warriors of Aragnar isn't Gone and Neither am I!

  This. Has. Been. A. Year. I have wanted to write so much on this blog over the past months. So, so, many things have taken place. In many ...