You've probably heard it before. That screaming voice in your head that tells you that your dreams are too big, too bold, and impossible. You've probably felt it before. That twinge of anxiety in your heart that rattles the fledgling hope inside, causing you to doubt. And yes, you've probably seen it before. The events that shape your life and cause you to question everything you know, including that dream that's lived in your mind for so long. If you were to tell me that you've never experienced any of these things, I'd love to talk with you and see what I've been missing, because I've personally felt and lived every single word listed above. I believe that many of you have, too.
We all have dreams and goals, but often life tries to crush them before they can come to reality.
Is the pursuit still worth it, even amidst the struggle? Are dreams worth the trouble to obtain, or are they simply wistful thinking in a world gone crazy?
I'd like to argue that they ARE worth it, despite the trials and tribulation. The problem is, fear often paralyzes us from action, and fear is at the root of many trials we face when trying to make a difference. When our ideas are growing, they are small and imaginative, and as they grow (and us with them), we find the need to take more and more action to see it through to completion. The thing with action is that it involves risk, and any time risk is involved, fear comes as well.
Have you ever felt so frozen by fear, that you can't properly function in normal life? I sure have. There have been times when I've been so scared of the fear of the unknown, I've been stuck in place without seeing much progress. You see, fear stops us from doing what we're called to do, and if we stay stuck long enough, it can rob us of our dreams and callings. I myself have come to realize that there have been areas in my own life that have been stuck, and not progressing forward out of fear that I'll never succeed. Isn't that such a silly oxymoron? I'm afraid I won't succeed, and so I lock up and do nothing. Sounds like useless, unproductive fear to me.
The Bible has a lot to say about fear, but it also has even more to say about God's faithfulness. There is a perfect example of this in Psalms 145, verses 14 through 16.
"The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing."
If God will always provide us with what we need, then surely He can provide us with the courage we need to face our fears and fulfill our destinies. The fear that tries to capture our hearts and dull our minds cannot stand against our God, and that darkness will always flee from His light.
Another verse (also) from Psalm 145, verses 18 and 19, that carry an incredible importance, and have helped me through many dark times.
"The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them."
I personally have challenged myself to focus on what God says about my future, dreams, and the unknown over the fear that's tried to freeze my mind. It hasn't been easy, but I truly believe it is incredibly necessary. If we are ever to see our dreams succeed, we must be willing to tread into unknown territory and face our fears. God gives us everything we need in order to fulfill His call on our lives, and that surely means courage comes in that package.
The best way I can sum this up is in the words of a little poem I wrote the other day:
There is a whole world to explore,
A world of darkness and light.
Destiny awaits
When you challenge the night.
Light shatters the shadow's rage,
No matter it's strength.
Yet, can a hero take on courage
Can we ever be truly brave?
The thing is, we can have that courage, but it only comes through Christ. We shouldn't ever give up on our dreams, because they are God-given, a part of who you are, and unique to you. The enemy always tries to make himself bigger then he really is, and his weapon of fear is the same. If we can look past its exterior, it is really smaller then it seems.
I challenge you to face your fears, no matter how hard it may be, because I promise that it is worth it. God has amazing things planned for each and every one of us, but we must first be willing to step into the unknown in order to give Him feet to our faith.
(Image and Poem (c)2018 Elizabeth Hornberger)
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