For the past ten years, my closest and dearest friend Sarah has stood beside me through the trials and tribulations of life. A true friend and sister in every aspect of the word, she has played such a pivotal role in the creation of my book series that I am confident it would not exist without her.
When she is not geeking out with me over my novels, Sarah is a talented musician, and has long desired to release her unique, raw, and pulse-pounding music to the world. Finally, at long last, that time has come. Entering the scene with a true explosive bang, Sarah recently revealed her first masterpiece to the world, a single entitled "The Poison in Me".
Beginning with a haunting instrumental intro that is entirely unique for a song of it's genre, The Poison in Me quickly transfers to a heavy melody, where Sarah displays her incredible skills with the guitar, as well as production. The lyrics are incredibly deep, and even though they are sparse, they leave one thinking...and that is exactly the effect she intended for it to carry.
For some, the song might come across as abrupt and dark. For it certainly wouldn't be categorized as a 'normal' contemporary Christian song. However, even though Sarah loves God and honors Him through her work, her intent was to reach the hurting, broken, and lost, not to entertain the found. Instead of rambling on and on about this amazing song, I am blessed to have been able to interview Sarah about her new single, which I have been graciously allowed to publish here. So, don't take my word for it, hear about The Poison in Me from the artist herself!
(Q&A session begins below)
Elizabeth: Sarah, can you tell me about about your project, and your heart behind it?
Sarah: "After All" is my solo music project, which basically means that I do everything from writing the lyrics and music, performing what I've written (playing all of the instruments and doing all of the vocals; arranging the song structure), to production (mixing, mastering, editing, and crying). I also listen to my own music until I either hear angels singing or I hate it. Ha. Anyway, I wanted to start a band growing up but never had the opportunity to do it... so I tried for years multiple times to launch my own music as an independent artist.
Those attempts flopped several times over. I never felt like I really had a message or a purpose for connecting with people. Then, life happened. After graduating high school, I went through two of the worst years of my life, including a battle with clinical depression, crippling anxiety, and even being suicidal...honestly, I lost myself in that. But I was still writing songs. I wrote my first single, "The Poison in Me" in one night, and I knew I finally found my message: to help other people who were going through the same pain I was and level with them without the Christian cliches and "feel good" stuff. That's what "After All" is about: being real, owning your story, and having the courage to tell it.
Elizabeth: That truly is a powerful testimony, you certainly understand and relate to those who are hurting similarly. What is your goal with After All beyond the release of The Poison in Me? Where do you see it going in the future?
Sarah: Honestly, I'd love to be a professional touring artist for a few years before settling down and starting a music school and recording studio where I can help other young musicians live their dream.
Elizabeth: That's incredibly impressive! What I find remarkable is that you don't simply want to make it big and bask in that fame; you want to help others who are hurting like yourself. What do you want to do with his school/ministry, and how do you see the poison in me jump-starting that?
Sarah: "The Poison in Me" was incredibly well received, which actually astounded me, and I think with the right marketing and advertising, it could reach a lot of people. It's already receiving some attention in the Christian rock industry around the U.S. which blows my mind. The song is also showing people what my skill set is. Not many people seem to take a 21-year-old female guitarist seriously... if anything, they assume I'm the next Taylor Swift wannabe. This song shows that not only do I have the ability to write and play metalcore, I can also produce. Hopefully those are talents that will translate to running a successful business.
Elizabeth: You certainly have a very audacious talent! Especially since I've been on this journey with you for many years, I can personally attest to how far you've come. God has definitely given you the strength He knew you would need for the battles ahead. With that being said, what is the message of your upcoming album, and what are your goals for it? Did anything in particular inspire you, and what are your plans for The Poison in Me now, after such a successful release?
Sarah: I'm in the process of writing my first album, I've pretty much written all of the lyrics for the songs I want to include, the hard part now is just putting them to music. That's what's gonna take the most time. The message for it is going to be about recovery and resetting. Just like re-breaking a bone that doesn't heal correctly, the first half of the album is going to be intense, angsty, and dark, as I delve into my own pain, and try to identify with others. The second half is going to be more therapeutic- there will be lighter and more optimistic themes throughout.
This song if the first chapter of story, and my album is the book. The whole point of my music is to come to terms with the plot twists in my life, and music and literature were two big things that helped. What really helped me process my emotions beside listening to (probably) unhealthy amounts of metalcore, was your (Elizabeth's) book series, and a particular scene that features the struggled of a character I identify with. This character basically goes through hell, and what he goes through is pretty much the metaphoric mirror of what depression feels like. It really gave me a way to cope, because I could make depression into something more tangible.
This song if the first chapter of story, and my album is the book. The whole point of my music is to come to terms with the plot twists in my life, and music and literature were two big things that helped. What really helped me process my emotions beside listening to (probably) unhealthy amounts of metalcore, was your (Elizabeth's) book series, and a particular scene that features the struggled of a character I identify with. This character basically goes through hell, and what he goes through is pretty much the metaphoric mirror of what depression feels like. It really gave me a way to cope, because I could make depression into something more tangible.
As far as what's next for "The Poison in Me", I can't say. That's really up to the people who enjoy it, who buy the song, buy the merch, who tell their friends and raise public awareness.
Elizabeth: I am truly humbled that my story has impacted you in such a deep way, my heart's desire has always been to reach people from all walks of life, and encourage them through my character's stories. What I think is most intriguing is the open, honesty you communicate in your music. As you well know, I focus on such themes often on my blog, and my books. Not only are you refraining from sugar-coating depression and other battles we face, you also show that there is hope. How has your faith in God helped you through this journey, and shape your music?
Sarah: I was abused and hurt by members of the church, so if anyone had a reason to walk away from their faith, I did. I can empathize with people who have been mistreated by Christians. Thankfully I grew up understanding there was a difference between God and His followers...if I hadn't, I probably would have fallen headlong into carnality. For a while, I had a really hard time trusting God and won't lie that sometimes I still do. But overall my faith in Christ has carried me through.
Elizabeth: Faith is never an easy road, regardless of where you're from or what paths you have traversed in life. You had every reason and opportunity to turn away from the faith, and despite that, you didn't. I know you battled it...we all do. But God gives us the strength we need to fight our battles, no matter how great they may seem. We never are promised an easy road, but we are certainly promised victory, even if we can't see it right now. And speaking of that topic, if you were able to talk to a young fan, or even someone in our own age group who is hurting and questioning life; what would you say to them?
Sarah: If I were able to talk to a younger fan or a peer who was struggling, I wouldn't try to butter them up with platitudes about things "getting better" because if I were real, I'm still kind of a mess. But I would sit there with them and listen to them and help them find practical tools for living a life of purpose despite pain. Hurt destroyed my dream before it gave birth to it, and trials can bring out the worst and best in you. I want to be someone people can relate to, because I'm just like them, and I haven't arrived. We are all in this together.
Elizabeth: And because you've experienced this, and despite all the odds you are moving forward in your life, making music that is open, honest, and yet still shows a clear window to the saving grace of Christ, what would you say your underlying message is for your album? And in closing, how can people find your single, as well as where to learn more about you and your message?
Sarah: My underlying message is it's never too late to recover, someone is never too far gone, and it's 100% okay as a Christian to be honest. I tried to take the approach of the Psalmists when crafting this album, which I'm hoping will be finished by early 2018. Those interested in purchasing "The Poison in Me" can find it on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play. It is also on Spotify. You can find After All on Facebook and read more about the mission and ministry aspects of what I do. For anyone who would like to donate to After All, I recommend contacting me directly through my Facebook page for information on where donations go. After All seeks to not only be a music project, but a mental health movement, advocating awareness and treatment in the Christian community. Anyone can be an activist for change.
Elizabeth: And that is just amazing, thank you so much for taking the time to share your heart, I pray continued success over you and your ministry!
(End interview)
As she so eloquently stated, Sarah has an amazing heart and vision; seeking out the hurt and helping them find healing through Christ. Her music is truly unique; I've often found inspiration for my own books through her lyrics and sweeping scores. I highly recommend her music, it is incredibly deep and insightful, as well as chocked full of raw talent.
Please check out this amazing single today, you won't regret it!
Here are links to purchase "The Poison in Me"!
You can also check out After All's Facebook page at:
As she so eloquently stated, Sarah has an amazing heart and vision; seeking out the hurt and helping them find healing through Christ. Her music is truly unique; I've often found inspiration for my own books through her lyrics and sweeping scores. I highly recommend her music, it is incredibly deep and insightful, as well as chocked full of raw talent.
Please check out this amazing single today, you won't regret it!
Here are links to purchase "The Poison in Me"!
You can also check out After All's Facebook page at:
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