Friday, February 23, 2018

God Always Knows Best: A Testimony

Some days, I've found that God seems very far away, and my struggles much closer to heart. On others, there's been times when it has been as if God spun events and encounters in my life to give me a pat on the back and hearty dose of encouragement. Today has definitely been the latter, as more things have happened over the course of the last twenty-four hours then my mind can wrap around.

Firstly, I (finally) passed a very difficult math test, one that's in a class which I've been trying to conquer for over a year. Not only was this a huge milestone for my grade in the course, but it was far more a critical mental and spiritual victory. Now, I'll totally understand if you don't see how a seemingly insignificant math exam would mean so much, but for me, it was a huge step of success! Not only have I learned to trust God, even when things seemed too difficult to be conquered, but I also gained some self confidence along the way.

Now, fast-forwarding through the day, I was extremely pleased to get my new art tablet in the mail, a tool that I've been wanting for many years. Now that I finally had it in my hands, I was eager to see what it would do to my style. Not only was I completely shocked by it's size, professionalism, and quality; but also how it already made my art style improve in the small time I've spent playing around with it. I've wanted to grow in my art style for years, and for almost all of those years I had a gut feeling that with the right equipment, I would be able to grow in my God-given talent. Now that I finally have that chance, I'm so excited and eager to learn it's interface and watch my style improve!

To top it all off, I was given the opportunity to speak at a TEDx style event, in which I talked about my book, as well as sharing my passion for writing. While it wasn't a perfect speech by any means, (as a matter of fact, I didn't think I was that good), I had several people tell me that they were encouraged by my passion for what I do, and wanted to read my book. I even had someone mention that they had heard of my blog prior to my mention of it, and had a friend overseas who read it. That truly humbled me, and once again, gave me a far broader perspective then I had ever known.

Overall, it was totally a God day, and the reason I wanted to share this with you was to encourage you that what God has done for me, He certainly can and will do for every single one of us! We all have bad days, but we also have really good ones. And even in the midst of the terrible days when all hope seems to be lost, we have an incredible promise from our loving father God. He will never leave us, nor forsake us, and we can find encouragement and peace in those profound words.

So, no matter what you're going through in your life, don't lose heart, and remember that you are never alone. The God of the universe is fighting for us, and with Him on our side, we can stand in confidence of this blessed truth!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Loss of a Legend: A Time for Rejoicing, and a Call for Action

I was understandably saddened when I woke up this morning to the news of Rev. Billy Graham's passing. At 99 years, his was a life well lived, and I have no doubt that all of heaven in rejoicing in one incredible welcome home ceremony. While I never had the opportunity to meet him or hear him speak in person, I, as many millions of people, have been impacted by his preaching and his incredible testimony.

As I often do in times such as this, I found myself pondering on the world we live in, as well as the future ahead. As many of the great pastors, reformers, and revolutionaries have left this world, I've at times been left with a saddened sense of loss, as well as a somewhat odd feeling of helplessness. What are we to do, when those who held the reins are gone? Are we truly ready to take the steering wheel in our own hands and drive this vehicle into a future of success?

Many would say it is already impossible, and honestly, even the most ardent idealist still struggles with feelings of fear and doubt. What can we, the rising generation, do with a broken machine called the government, a fractured economy, and tense relations both domestic and foreign? Worse yet, Christianity itself is often viewed with skepticism and distrust, leaving many places atheistic, antagonistic, and alone. Is there even any hope? I'll admit, I've asked those questions more often then I'd like to voice, and there certainly have been times when optimism wasn't on my mental radar.

Yes, there are many things that are broken and in need of repair. It's very easy to look at these situations, shake our heads, and lose hope. How could it not be difficult when all the greats of the past have, and will, leave us someday? Who will be left to preach the truth, uphold morality, and live in righteousness?

As I was pondering these questions this morning, I began to talk to God. "I sure hope you know what you're doing," I had thought. "Are you raising any new great ministers and leaders, or have the 'glory days' passed completely by? Was I simply born too late?"

While these questions are valid, even as I spoke them, the truth hit me with a weighty certainty. If God could raise the humble giants of times past, why couldn't He do so now? Our world is not so broken that God, in all His might and loving grace, cannot raise new leaders to shape it and bring the lost to Christ. It was then that I told God something in a different manner then I'd ever previously said, "Well, if no-one else will do anything, then please use me in any way you see fit. If there's anything I can do, I want to do it."

Of course, I've said similar things to God before, but this time, it didn't seem so casual. I meant it, and I wasn't thinking about myself or my own longing for success. It was then that it all made sense. The people who God uses are never the ones who the world would qualify. And I bet that many of those earthly heroes who were humble before God said the very same thing at one point, or several, in their lives. God doesn't call the qualified, but He qualifies the called.

All we can do is live our lives for Him, strive to become more and more like Jesus, and pray for a revival in this hurting world. If no-one else will make a stand, then we must take the first step. I promise you, you are NOT alone. I know for a fact that I am not the only person existing on this planet who would stand for God's Word, but even if I were, would I still stand nonetheless? I pray so. As the days roll by into years, I pray that we, the body of Christ worldwide, will indeed uphold what is right and true until the very end.

I thought it fitting to end this post with one of Billy Graham's quotes, one that has stirred my heart and encouraged me for years.

"Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened."

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Shattered Perceptions: The Mirrors of Lies

Have you ever looked back on your life, and remembered a specific time or event that stood as a milestone of change? Just in case you're wondering, those milestones don't have to be good memories, I certainly know mine haven't always been. Regardless of being classified as 'good' or 'bad', these milestone moments can serve a tremendous purpose.

Personally, I've found that I can often be so future-minded or goal-focused that I fail to see any growth in my life. It's as if I'm trying to catch up to a future version of myself who doesn't actually exist. I place this preconceived snapshot of who I think I should be on a pedestal, and look upon it with envy and desire. Then, I catch myself saying things like, "if only I were like this," or "I wish I was braver/smarter/etc...", and when I fall into that pit, I quickly begin to attack my qualities, erroneously believing that I'm not good enough. Whether or not this has happened to you, I can tell you from experience that it is one poisonous cycle. And it all began when I elevated my desire for success above God. 

In those moments of clouded clarity, it is then that I must recall a milestone of times past. Many years ago, my family and I went to the state fair, and during our day, there was one room that always stuck with me, for whatever reason. It was a room filled with mirrors of all kinds, presenting odd and distorted reflections of those who peered on their shining surfaces. Now that I look back at that seemingly random, meaningless memory, I have realized that there was more depth to it then I had previously surmised. 

Being the deceiving liar that he is, our enemy wants nothing more then to distract us from our callings, and throw us into cages of our own making. He wants to distort our identities and keep us trapped, believing that we are nothing more than what those lies dictate. Very much like that room of mirrors, he wants to keep us locked inside, surrounded by falsehood, deceit, and trickery. And you want to know the sad truth? Many times, he succeeds. 

Yes, you heard me right. He succeeds. Whether it is a lack of self-confidence, a poor self-image, or many other roaring doubts and fears, the enemy is not lacking in the tools of his trade. We often, as I unfortunately have in times past, become so confused and disorientated by those twisted lies presented as truths, that we actually believe them to BE truth. What makes it worse is the crippling defeat and misery that sets in, very much like a physical sickness. 

The door to the mirrors of lies is unlocked, and we can walk out, free from the snares of deception. But in order to do so, we must first recognize that what we see are lies to begin with. The danger of deception is that it can often be presented in the most convincing of ways. Like a fishhook, what is dangerous is hidden by something seemingly pleasant, not fully revealed until it is too late. To best describe this sad situation, I often use a reasonably sad analogy of an abused dog in a cage.

Hurt and abandoned, the animal doesn't trust a soul, and has come to find its cage as a place of security. It will be safe, it thinks, as long as it hides inside. Forget the fact that it will eventually starve, and that life in the cage is terrible. If it doesn't leave the cage, it believes that it won't be hurt again, even though staying in the cage is essentially a death sentence. Despite this belief, the door to the cage has actually been opened, and a kindly veterinarian is trying to coax the dog out, in order to restore it to good health, and give it a new chance at life.

Even though this person means the dog no harm, the animal doesn't know the difference between pain and love at this point. It will growl, bark, and snap its jaws at the very person who wants to be its savior. Like the dog, we often lock ourselves up in 'cages' and live our lives in fear. When God comes to save us, we mistake his outstretched hand for a club, and refuse to budge from the very thing that is actually our prison.

Fortunately, this story does not have to have an unhappy ending. With enough patience and love, the dog will learn to trust, and will finally leave its cage so it can heal. While by no means comparing people to dogs, the connection lies in the lack of trust, as well as the fear of danger. We seek freedom from deception, and thankfully, we can find true salvation through Christ, who is the only one who can free us from what binds us. 

The sword of the Spirit severs lie from truth, and lays all that is hidden in shadow in the light. The room of mirrors, though it is twisted and deceptive, does not hold power over a child of God. His Word, like that blade, can shatter the mirrors and bring those faulty perceptions low. One day, I want to look back at this time in my life, and see faith, not confusion. Our milestones shouldn't be our faults, they should point to our victories, and it all starts when we recognize that we often raise lies on pedestals of our own crafting, instead of leaving that honor to God alone.

(Photo found on google images, not my picture!)

The Warriors of Aragnar isn't Gone and Neither am I!

  This. Has. Been. A. Year. I have wanted to write so much on this blog over the past months. So, so, many things have taken place. In many ...