Sunday, October 28, 2018

Depression: Waging a Different Kind of War

When war is mentioned, vivid images of violence and destruction often come to mind. A struggle between forces for a cause, or sometimes, none at all. War involves great cost, and even greater loss. How many have died defending their country, spilling their blood for an idea, or simply an order? Regardless of your political views on war, there simply are times when peace isn't an option. When the only other alternative is death and destruction, you'll find that action is a very convincing decision. It never ceases to amaze me how far people will go to survive, no matter what.

War is a commonly understood term, but can there be different kinds of war that can't be waged the same way? Perhaps a type of war that lingers far closer to home, and can ring louder then gunfire in our homes and media? Friends, I must say that there indeed is. This war affects many, it is wide in its spread, and horrific in its reach. It all begins with two words. 

Depression. Suicide.

Several years ago, I never would have thought that those two words would one day have such a depth of meaning in my life. Given that those words carried little weight in my own existence, I honestly didn't have much knowledge on the subject. I was, as one would say, naive to the ever-growing problem that was rapidly spreading in the world around me. The war that was taking hold. This war is often silent, and remains (unfortunately) covert in our day-to-day lives.

Unless you've been touched by it.

I remember feeling confused when my best friend of twelve years began acting 'strange'. From my perspective, there really wasn't any other way to put it. Her joy and excitement in life began to fade away, and a darkness settled in her eyes that honestly terrified me. I remember thinking, "what's wrong with her? She's not being herself." As the days turned to months, and months to years, I watched her slip further and further into a shadow of herself, and I was helpless, unable to do anything but watch in frightened confusion. Sure, I tried to talk to her about it, but it never really got anywhere. It felt like a wall was being built between us, but it was a structure not simply wrought by human hands, often not even her own. But how could it be breached?

What was I missing?

Unbeknownst to myself, that war was waging in my friend's mind and heart, a war of natural ailments, but also spiritual causes. I had known that she had been fighting severe anxiety, as well as other situations that had taken a heavy toll on her mentally and physically. The depression was showing its ugly head with fading discretion, and the battles were very hard for us both. Even in the times when she wouldn't act like herself, I had refused to abandon her, and stuck with her through it. I've always believed she was (and still is) worth loving, and never listened when she told me to pay no attention to her lows. Well...I'm sure glad I didn't listen.

As time sped on, the war continued to rage, growing louder and louder until it was nearly impossible to be noticed. Before I knew it, it was time for me to head off to college, and I suddenly found myself in a new place, my old life behind me. Uprooted from my home and placed into new soil, a day still didn't go by without texting or talking to my friend. I had known she wasn't doing too well. However, I hadn't been aware of HOW dangerous things were becoming. It began to concern me when there was an increase of late-night talks that were riddled with negativity and suicidal jokes. I never found them funny, but the rate of their increase had me concerned. Then, I remember asking the question. Was she suicidal? She'd always tell me she was fine, but a part of me didn't believe her.

Something just never sat right, and it continued to eat at me until it couldn't be denied. Even then, when I wasn't fully aware of the severe danger of the situation, I had begun to realize that there was something incredibly sinister going on. It wasn't drama, no was it an overreaction on either of our parts; it was a war. Some kind of sick, quiet, despicably mad war terrorizing us. The problem? It was going largely unaddressed, and my friend was very much alone. Even then, not having a full understanding of the situation, God was tugging on my heart to reach out even more, and to be there for her when she hit her lows. And so I did, to the best of my strength, and it's by God alone that we both got through those times.

It was definitely by God alone that we endured the trials to come.

Everything changed when I began to have a series of nightmares that scared me so bad, I had no choice but to jump into action. The dreams all centered on my friend's death, specifically death by suicide. I have always had very vivid dreams, but to have several of these dreams with such a heavy, scary reoccurring theme...something had to be wrong. It wasn't until the fourth dream really rattled me to the core that I spoke up to her about them. I hadn't wanted her to think that I was crazy (it's not the first time I've had very realistic, scary dreams) but I knew I had to act. I told her about them, and she was completely stunned. To my shock (and honestly, horror) she told me that the worst of the dreams was prophetic. She had planned to act that nightmare out, and to this day we both believe that God warned us through that dream, and inadvertently stopped her from making a terrible mistake.

Now, please understand that I am telling this story with all the respect and sensitivity possible. This war we both found ourselves in wasn't a game, and lives were at stake. I say lives because I truly believe that had my friend committed suicide, it would have opened the door for more loss in the wake of such tragedy. 

Over the following summer, I had returned to the job we both worked, and I realized that nothing was changing, and definitely not getting better. And so, I asked the question. I asked her if she were seriously suicidal, and as opposed to an answer hidden behind a phone screen, she couldn't hide the truth. I remember watching as she hung her head, and despite her walls, they crumbled to reveal the truth. Yes...she was. And she was in danger. 

It was then that I was faced with a sobering question: how far would I be willing to go to save someone I loved? Not that I could save her, if anything, I felt just as trapped and helpless as she did in that moment. However, even though I'm not God, and I can't save people, I can be the hands and feet of Jesus, and be a light in the darkness. So that's what I tried to do. I asked her to seek out help through counseling, something that she hadn't been very willing to do. Whether it was because of my stubbornness, or God's prompting, she made the steps to get professional help. 

As time has passed, she has made a tremendous amount of recovery, but the war isn't over, yet. The thing that comes to mind in this situation ironically has nothing to do with depression, but I feel it is still applicable. In Thomas Paine's American Crisis, he had written something that always made me ponder on its meaning.

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, it not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."

Obviously Paine wrote this when my country was embittered in warfare that didn't seem to ever have victory in sight. Many refused to fight, others fled in fear, and yet some still stood to fight with a dream in their hearts that many never lived to see. As Christians, we have to view this war with depression as a very real conflict that requires very real action. Paine said that they had to stand with their country, and I say this could be applied to our friends and loved ones in the fight with depression. Will we stand with them through this fight? Or will we be 'summer soldiers', only fit to support and encouraged when it's a good day? 

"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." 

Can we not apply this to depression? It's certainly not an easy conflict, nor is it a short one...but it doesn't come without grace. God doesn't abandon His children, and depression, though aggressive and ugly, doesn't stand a chance against the might of our God. 

Yes, depression is a war. And like every war requires, we must be armed with the appropriate weapons in order to wage it and win. If your friend a loved one is lost in the mire of isolation and defeat, it is up to you to with seemingly no way out, then we must jump down in there with them and stick by their side through the firefight. This war can be won. Let me repeat that, this war CAN be won. It doesn't have to end in heartbreak, anger, and shame. We don't have to sit through another funeral, another memorial service, or even send another confused, uninformed text. We can be the light in their darkness if we allow God to use us. If we remain inactive and placidly sit on the sidelines, we aren't doing a single thing to help those who are engaged in all out war. If anything, we ourselves are to blame.

1. Paine, Thomas. The American Crisis.
2. Photo not mine, found on Google Images

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

When Darkness Rises: Facing Fear and the Call for Courage

You've probably heard it before. That screaming voice in your head that tells you that your dreams are too big, too bold, and impossible. You've probably felt it before. That twinge of anxiety in your heart that rattles the fledgling hope inside, causing you to doubt. And yes, you've probably seen it before. The events that shape your life and cause you to question everything you know, including that dream that's lived in your mind for so long. If you were to tell me that you've never experienced any of these things, I'd love to talk with you and see what I've been missing, because I've personally felt and lived every single word listed above. I believe that many of you have, too.

We all have dreams and goals, but often life tries to crush them before they can come to reality.

Is the pursuit still worth it, even amidst the struggle? Are dreams worth the trouble to obtain, or are they simply wistful thinking in a world gone crazy?

 I'd like to argue that they ARE worth it, despite the trials and tribulation. The problem is, fear often paralyzes us from action, and fear is at the root of many trials we face when trying to make a difference. When our ideas are growing, they are small and imaginative, and as they grow (and us with them), we find the need to take more and more action to see it through to completion. The thing with action is that it involves risk, and any time risk is involved, fear comes as well.

Have you ever felt so frozen by fear, that you can't properly function in normal life? I sure have. There have been times when I've been so scared of the fear of the unknown, I've been stuck in place without seeing much progress. You see, fear stops us from doing what we're called to do, and if we stay stuck long enough, it can rob us of our dreams and callings. I myself have come to realize that there have been areas in my own life that have been stuck, and not progressing forward out of fear that I'll never succeed. Isn't that such a silly oxymoron? I'm afraid I won't succeed, and so I lock up and do nothing. Sounds like useless, unproductive fear to me.

The Bible has a lot to say about fear, but it also has even more to say about God's faithfulness. There is a perfect example of this in Psalms 145, verses 14 through 16.

"The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing."

If God will always provide us with what we need, then surely He can provide us with the courage we need to face our fears and fulfill our destinies. The fear that tries to capture our hearts and dull our minds cannot stand against our God, and that darkness will always flee from His light.

Another verse (also) from Psalm 145, verses 18 and 19, that carry an incredible importance, and have helped me through many dark times.

"The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them."

I personally have challenged myself to focus on what God says about my future, dreams, and the unknown over the fear that's tried to freeze my mind. It hasn't been easy, but I truly believe it is incredibly necessary. If we are ever to see our dreams succeed, we must be willing to tread into unknown territory and face our fears. God gives us everything we need in order to fulfill His call on our lives, and that surely means courage comes in that package.

The best way I can sum this up is in the words of a little poem I wrote the other day:

There is a whole world to explore,
A world of darkness and light.
Destiny awaits 
When you challenge the night.
Light shatters the shadow's rage, 
No matter it's strength.
Yet, can a hero take on courage
Can we ever be truly brave?

The thing is, we can have that courage, but it only comes through Christ. We shouldn't ever give up on our dreams, because they are God-given, a part of who you are, and unique to you. The enemy always tries to make himself bigger then he really is, and his weapon of fear is the same. If we can look past its exterior, it is really smaller then it seems. 

I challenge you to face your fears, no matter how hard it may be, because I promise that it is worth it. God has amazing things planned for each and every one of us, but we must first be willing to step into the unknown in order to give Him feet to our faith. 

(Image and Poem (c)2018 Elizabeth Hornberger)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Why Write Fantasy? How is it Important?

I have finally returned from the craziness of my college schedule to resume my regular postings on this blog. I have to say, I apologize for leaving you all hanging for so long! Time slipped by me so quickly, I hadn’t realized how long it’s been since I wrote anything. Because of that embarrassingly true fact, I wrote a heavier article today that’s longer then my usual poem posts, despite the fact that I do have many new ones to share. Today, I will be talking about the reasons I believe it’s important to write fantasy, and how this genre can bring glory to Christ. First, we’ll start with a basic definition of fantasy.

Fantasy as a general term applies to what is fictitious, and more often than not, completely disconnected from reality. Fantasy is a very popular genre in books, movies, and plays, and often cultivates a passionate following. It often has a very strong pull on a lot of people’s identity. Numerous book series have become incredibly popular over the ages, seeping into the film and play industries, and beyond. Series like The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Grisha Trilogy, Game of Thrones, and more have become so influential that fans view those stories as a part of their identity.

Simply put, I believe that fantasy stories can be vehicles to lead people to Christ. Firstly, as a reader, and secondly a writer, I have experienced the impact fantasy can leave on one’s heart. One of my favorite authors, Wayne Thomas Batson, wrote a Christian fantasy trilogy called The Door Within Trilogy that so significantly impacted me, it drew me closer to Christ. Even though it was just a story, Batson had woven scripture so deeply in the threads of those novels that there was no denying it was spiritually impactful. Those books encouraged me in my faith and brought me through some very dark times, and for that reason, I am a firm believer that fantasy can and has been an evangelical strategy. The Bible itself contains narratives that are common in fantasy stories. Battles, betrayals, sacrifice, love, good vs. evil…the list goes on and on. The reality is, a lot of fantasy authors have drawn inspiration from the Bible for their content. Great authors such as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien are excellent examples of this. They both drew inspiration for their works from many classics, including the Bible. Fantasy may be an untrue, fictional story, but it can employ the power of a story’s influence to take what is fiction and point to the very real truth found in Jesus Christ. 

As any reader of fantasy could probably tell you, fantasy stories have a special ability to transport the reader from their often-perceived mundane lives to a place of excitement and adventure. It serves a present need for the reader, who desires a change of pace from the trials and strains of our everyday lives. It forges a fandom’s identity and increases the allegiances in that people group, bringing them closer together with a strong sense of community. This is displayed in many visible ways, from book clubs to cosplay conventions, depending on each person’s personality and level of dedication to the series. I believe that every story has its own unique narrative (unless the author is playing copycat) and is told in the author’s unique voice.    

Fantasy also elicits powerful responses from fans, bringing them together in a unified appreciation of the story. It also creates a strong desire to invest in and defend that story. Authentic narratives are something that fantasy readers and writers alike often vehemently defend are real and true. However, these narratives critically hinge on the reader’s interpretation. I’ve seen readers discuss the same book and draw completely different conclusions from the narrative. Fantasy books do not correlate with real historical events, rather, they exist as a past-time that can consume readers to such a degree that it becomes a pivotal part of their lives.

Now, this isn’t to say that fantasy is purely a waste of time. It is a vehicle that can be used to bring people closer to Christ, despite being a nothing but a story. Stories can profoundly impact us, for good or for bad, and it is critical that we as writers and communicators do not underestimate that power. It is important to write fantasy because it reaches people in a way that a straight-up discussion might not. Instead of tackling current issues head-on, by wrapping those issues in a story, living it through characters, it presents an easier platform for people to discuss those things. As a writer myself, I believe that I can reach my readers through my fantasy novels and show them the love of Christ through my characters, albeit through an indirect fashion. Not to say that writing should be preachy, on the contrary, Christian writers should avoid that. Instead of telling the reader what the message of the story is, we must show them God’s love and power through characters and stories that truly matter. Fantasy points to a very real story in which we all play a part, and that is a truth that rings through our words, echoes in our pen, and thrives on our pages.

(Graphics (C)Elizabeth Hornberger 2018)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Unexpected Pain: When the Church Wounds Instead of Heals

I'd like to take a break from posts about my books and poetry to focus on a topic that has been on my heart recently. The reason I haven't posted this sooner is that I wanted to approach the subject with all the respect and sensitivity as possible. I am aware that this concern may be ignored by some...but I hope that you all will understand my heart. This all began several months, no years, ago with one question: we’re commanded to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but what happens when those hands are used to harm, and the feet to walk down paths they were never meant to traverse?

Are those actions simple missteps on the path toward righteousness, or are they pointing to a much more dangerous truth? If these questions are indeed worth seeking answers, I was left wondering, will I even find an answer to something that is either ignored, or blown far out of proportion? Where is the middle ground?

As a Christian, I have to ask those questions to myself, no matter how difficult answering them can be. Granted, I haven’t lived on this earth for a very long time. I’m a college student, a part-time worker, author, a millennial...the list seems endless sometimes. Despite that, I look at the world around me, and I’d have to be blind to not see the pain and suffering that surrounds me. Because I’m a Christian, I try to always see the world though a Biblical perspective. If you were to compare the Bible to a set of lenses, those are the glasses that I see the world through.

Seeing the world from a Biblical perspective isn’t easy. Honestly, it sometimes is downright painful. There is always going to be injustice in the world, but sometimes, that injustice comes from places you’d never hope to find, or expect. That’s right, I’m talking about the church. Now, before I continue on, I must stress something...I am NOT bashing the Church. The church is still relevant, and isn’t outdated. Let me repeat that; the church is still relevant, and isn’t outdated. However, in my relatively short years, I have seen some of the most amazing people in my life suffer the greatest at the hands of the congregation...and that reality caused me to delve into a deep soul-searching session that would last for several years. Honestly, it’s still on-going. But through this time of questioning and seeking, I’ve discovered a grace that far surpasses anything I’ve ever known.

How can the church be called by God to be the salt and light of the world when we shun those in need of the light? I’ve always been a passionate person. If I believe in something, I will defend it until my dying breath. My faith is no different. When I was in youth groups, I heard stories of people I knew walking away from the church, and those stories always bothered me. Why were they leaving? Didn’t they know it was...wrong? I felt sad, being one of the last of my peers still in the sanctuary on Sunday morning. Then, I always wondered...what’s so wrong with the church that would make them do something so rash?

And then, the answer hit far too close to home. A dear friend of mine was burned by the church in ways that to this day still make me incredibly angry. Not only did this person undergo brutally verbal mistreatment, but they were left emotionally scarred from the trauma. As I stood alongside my friend in the trenches, so to speak, I found myself asking that age-old question. Why would God let this happen? This friend of mine certainly hadn't done anything to deserve such awful treatment. As they were left asking why, I myself asked the same.

No, I never experienced the same degree of wounds from the church. My childhood years spent at church on Sundays and Wednesdays were uneventful at the least and often exciting at most. I did experience quite an awful amount of bullying from my peers, but I never blamed the church for that. My teachers were always kind and I never was yelled at, mocked, or belittled by authority figures. With all that being said, I'm sure some out there would question my reasons or right to talk about this subject. If I didn't experience it, then why would I even bother saying anything? I may not have dealt with it personally, but because my friend and I are so close, I had to see what that pain did to them, as well as others that I know.

Ephesians 4:32 says, "Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." This is a scripture that I see many people in my church living out to it's fullest. They're kind, open, and will do almost anything for you. Even on bad days, they're quick to come to your aid if you need it, and that's something my family and I have truly appreciated over the years. Then, there are those who don't. Now, this isn't a comparison rant post. I'm not going to describe these people and give a list of all the things I think they're doing wrong. I'm not to judge, that's God's job. I can only state what I see before my own eyes for the sake of clarity. There is a truth in that there are many judgmental people in the church. If you don't believe me, then ask around your community.  In my previous job, two of the four coworkers around my age admitted to me that they had been hurt by the church, and that was the primary reason they didn't believe in God.

Why is this such a common thread? It honestly hurts my heart. As followers of Christ, we're called to reach out to the lost and show them the light of Christ. We're not supposed to turn people away because they're not like us, or are struggling with some pretty big things. Haven't we all dealt with sin? Salvation isn't a pedestal. It isn't designed to lift you above the masses, and parade you about as the pinnacle of human idolatry. It isn't meant to be puffed up with pride, but open, and honest, with humility. The problem is, a lot of people don't see it that way. They wear their salvation as a badge of honor, believing that they're somehow better then everyone else. Pride is certainly dangerous, but in the church, it can wreak devastating consequences.

How do we avoid those traps? How can we, the church, do a better job at loving those in desperate need of God's touch? How can someone who's been hurt by the church ever be healed, and be able to see the church in a good light, as God intended?

It starts when God's people get on their knees, and repent. Then, it's important to spend time in God's Word. Joshua 1:8 explains this perfectly, "Study this book of instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do." In order to live according to God's Word, we have to know it. We can't expect to live a Godly life without it. This isn't something you can use to point a finger at someone else in judgement or even well is a microscope. Like the sword spoken about in Hebrews 4:12, the Word cuts through all lies and pretense, revealing the true intent of the heart. If we ever wish to see true change, we have to be willing to turn that sword upon ourselves and learn where we need to find forgiveness and healing. As the saying goes, hurting people hurt people, and there are far too many wounded sitting in the sanctuary, as well as in the world at large.

Do you know someone in your life who has been hurt by the church? Have you ever asked them what is still holding them back from seeking God, despite their pain? Be encouraged to reach out to them, you never know what they may be dealing with. It says in 2 Timothy 2:25 that we are to "Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people's hearts, and they will learn the truth." It could be that in their pain, they really need someone to come alongside them and be willing to show them love, where others wouldn't. Even if something hasn't directly affected you, like my friend's pain afflicted by the church, still be willing to step out of your comfort zone to gain more understanding.

If we ever wish to turn this tide around, we'll have to be willing to get to work to fix it. Yes, it will be hard, and often painful, but in the end, it will be far worth it. In order to help those outside of the church who need Jesus, we must first help the hurting in our congregations, who perhaps have been wounded similarly to my friend. Once we've done that, then we will be far more effective at reaching the lost and telling them the good news. It may be work, and it might not be what we want to do, but it's highly necessary if we wish to truly impact the world. 2 Timothy 2:3-4 enforces this, saying, "Endure suffering alone with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them."

If you've been hurt by the church, please don't give up. Don't lose faith in God, and don't lose heart. You're not alone, and you're not abandoned. If my friend can go through so much pain, and still cling to faith, I know you can, too. If you're like me, and you haven't experienced that kind of pain, know that you're still able to make a difference. You can make a real change in someone's life, and it all starts when you walk in love instead of judgment. This world can be very dark and hopeless. It can be really hard, full of days when you wonder if this is all worth it...but I promise you, it is. I've dealt with enough of my own hurts and negative experiences to tell you that I have a little experience in the pain department. But we all do. We're placed on earth at this time in history for a reason, and I'm banking on that fact. Even in our greatest hurt, God is still there for us, and I know He's been there for me.

I wish you all the best, and know that I pray for every single one of you. I believe in you, I know God's created you to do amazing things, and I hope that you'll see that someday. Don't lose heart! If you are hurting from these sort of wounds, please don't hesitate to reach out. You're not alone, and you CAN get help! God won't give up on you, and I pray you find peace and healing under His wings.

(Picture not my own, found on google images.)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Book 3 News! Wings of Revelation Cover Reveal, and More

I am happy to announce that I have received the cover art for my third book in The Warriors of Aragnar, Wings of Revelation! Some of you may have already seen this, as I've already posted it on Facebook and Instagram, but I couldn't wait to share it with all of my blog readers!

Each book cover is so special to me, and I want it to capture the themes of the book, as well as the feel. After having a yellow/gold theme, and a red/black theme, I really wanted to have a cover that showed the beauty of Aragnar's landscape at night, in a scene far more peaceful then the second book's intense cover! I've always loved stars, and so when I told my cover artist I wanted a beautiful night sky.

I wasn't disappointed! Not only did the cover turn out exactly the way I was hoping it would, but it far surpassed my expectations! Book covers, especially for fantasy books, are a great opportunity to show the reader and illustrated depiction of the story's world and characters. For the Aragnar books, I've been doing my best to share it with you all! Not only do I have the book covers, but I have some more of my own art coming soon!

Speaking of my art, I have some exciting news to share with you!

After talking to my publisher, we have decided to release a fifth book in the Aragnar series, which will be an art book of sorts. It will be a guide to Aragnar, and I'm so excited to share it with you! Not only will it be filled with my artwork, depictions of the creatures, people, and armor in the series, but it will include brand-new short stories, notes, and other awesome tid-bits about Aragnar!

I've been wanting to do something like this for years, so I am incredibly grateful that my publisher is giving me this opportunity! I will share more information about it as it comes, but for now, I hope you enjoy the new cover! 

Friday, June 29, 2018

New Poem: Louder Than Words

I am finally back after the insanity that has been the last few weeks! Between setting up new book events, working my (regular) job, and writing the third book in the series, I haven't had much time for anything else. Fortunately, I've been writing a lot of new poems, and compiling some of the best (at least, in my opinion) for Dauntless.

Soon, I plan to write some posts about subjects other then my books and poetry, I have a lot I want to write! Time management has always been a friend to me, but as I get busier, it's become harder to breathe! Whoever told me that summer break would be less crazy then a semester was wrong, or at least, in my case! Oh well, at least I'll get to vacation before school starts back up.

The poem that I will share with you today is called "Louder than Words", and was borne after a long day that prompted deep thought. Sometimes I'm convinced that my best poems come to fruition in the oddest hours of the morning, but oh well! I really hope you enjoy it, as it was a lot of fun to write!

Louder than Words

I love the depth of mind-crafted words
Precious thoughts inscribed in ink
The heart's true intent, that like a bird
Wings it's way to glory, refusing to sink

The pen is mighty, stronger then blades
Oh, how fitting that it bends the swords
Should warriors tremble at the sound, afraid
For don't they know war is louder than words?

Discriminate not, in passion the fiery tongue
Meant to be heard, a pounding drum
That breaks from the pages and through lungs
Calling for all who crave depth to boldly come

Why hide your face, did disgrace promise aid
In a life scrambling for meaning, craving truth?
So much empty talk, but is anyone unafraid?
Can an ear bend to works grand in breadth?

Shadows dwell where pools of light should be
Eyes show shattered windows to empty souls
Hungering for the ability to boldly live free
Speaking words of truth beyond their control

Like vines, the whispers tangle
Desperate to breathe in wonder
Their minds, oh so strangled
Can blind eyes ever see color?

The world is muted and violent
But there's a glimpse of light
In kind words that shatter silence
Ringing in ears longing to fight

The pen is mighty, stronger then blades
Oh, how fitting that it bends the swords
Should warriors tremble at the sound, afraid
For don't they know war is louder than words?

(Picture not mine, found on google images)

Monday, June 11, 2018

HEAV Convention: An Absolute Sellout!

I am finally returning to a regular schedule of posts, after spending the last two weeks preparing for the Virginia homeschoolers convention! I had first attended this convention as a vendor two years ago under the Young Entrepreneurs section, and now I finally had a chance to return; this time as a full-blown vendor under my own brand. 

I have to admit I wasn't sure what to expect. My first experience had been good, but disappointing in some ways, so I was naturally a little nervous. After all, this was to be my first book signing as a traditionally published author, and there are certain risks to be taken when undergoing such an endeavor. Being a new author can honestly be scary at times, but also incredibly exciting. 

I am happy to say that I did not leave discouraged. In fact, I found my passion for writing rekindled through the passion and fire in the hearts of many, many young people I encountered. Not only did I sell out of every single copy of Wings of Honor, as well as most of Wings of Darkness (all but two), but I also got the chance to meet so many aspiring authors and writers!

Speaking to these amazing young people truly humbled me. I honestly found it a little difficult to stand there as they looked up at me with admiration...because I truly still see myself as one of them; a fiery dreamer with goals as big as the sky. Who am I but a simple artist with a love of words, who wants to bring hope to a dying world? Some would call that statement dramatic, and perhaps it is. But if it is truthful, then at least I can speak with candor.

I was also incredibly blessed to have my best friend (basically a sister) Sarah help me run the booth and keep the operation smooth and stress-free! Not only has she inspired my writing and encouraged me to share my stories with the world, but she has been a steadfast warrior at my side through thick and thin. Seriously, every writer needs a friend as awesome and indispensable as her! Thank you sis, for all you do, it is not taken for granted!

Yes, I experienced overwhelming success, but money is not my end-goal, nor will it ever be. I really enjoyed encouraging these incredibly talented young writers to press forward into their writing, and to never give up on the story God has given them! I hope to read their stories one day, I sure am excited for each and every one of them as they embark on their journeys God has in store for them! 

This is my favorite part of writing; meeting like-minded people who share a similar passion for writing. Sure, I love penning stories and delving deep into worlds previously unknown...but how precious is a heart full of love for books that could one day change the world? 

Even if my books never fall into the hands of another reader, this past weekend has proven to me that what I have done, and am doing, matters. That God is using me to touch people I have never met, and perhaps may never truly know. And even if I never get to meet these young people again, I am praying for them all every single day! May I always carry that passion in my heart as long as I write, and I pray I never forget that God is the source of my stories, as well as my success. 

I am so thankful for everyone who came out and supported me, purchased my books, and shared in my dream! You guys are the best, and I am so grateful to have met every single one of you! 

I plan on doing more events in the future, and as soon as I have some events set in stone, I will share them on my blog and Facebook pages! 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Brief Hiatus Broken! New Poems and Wings of Darkness Release Date!

After a busy conclusion to the spring semester and my reintegration to life at home, I'm back! Not only did God bless me tremendously with good grades and new friends, but summer is here and I couldn't be happier! Now, being home doesn't mean I get to fully relax. Not with a major book-selling venue around the corner and two new releases on the way.

I am happy to announce that Wings of Darkness, the second installment in The Warriors of Aragnar, will be released on eBook and paperback June 9th! (And that's six days after my birthday, would you look at that!) It has gone through the rigorous editing process and is finally ready to be shared with my beloved readers and the world! It certainly is something for me to be excited about.

 I will be selling my book at the Virginia Homeschoolers Convention in June, and I can't wait to be able to meet and talk with some of my readers, as well as aspiring young writers. I love nothing more then encouraging them to write their stories and to never give up.

Quickly arriving after Wings of Darkness will be Dauntless, my poem book that I will be self-publishing through Amazon's Createspace (just when I thought I was done self-publishing!) and it will be available for purchase in the next few months! I already have my cover files completed, and all that is left is the formatting of the poems themselves, which won't take too much time. Between these two books, I have been super busy and productive.

Yes, I do indeed plan on having fun over the summer like a normal human being. It'll just have to be...planned, is all! But I schedule everything and anything as it is, so it won't be too bad. Anyway, instead of reading my incessant ramblings, I will share a new poem with you that I wrote today!

I call this one "Cornerstone", and it is another free verse poem that I wrote today. It focuses on the cry for justice in an unjust world, as well as a call to stand for what we believe in. I hope that you enjoy it!


All rise to the cry of an unbroken soul
Our hearts beat as one, born and bred for war
Rebellion is sweet when lacking opposition
But the field of conflict is ripe for transition.

Dead eyes blink with unseeing apathy
As a chorus of pleas rise unheard
Will anyone stand against the cull
Of hopeless souls fading to black?

Tear down the haughty banner of comformity
Unity isn't found in a lack of creativity, but
An army where differences are strengths
Is where victory sets fire to whispering lies.

They ask, why pound the drums of war through a pen?
How come peace isn't a commonality in your veins?
I say, why close your eyes to the pain around you?
How come you don't make a stand for something?

Battles are fought when wrong raises its head
Righteous is the cause to bring it to its knees
Anything less is pure cowardice of the fearful
Who would be ignorantly blind then see. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Poetry Has Returned! "Embers", and more Dauntless Plans

In the crazy busyness of book releases, approaching finals, and summer plans, I have taken a brief pause to write something new. Poetry is always my go-to form of writing when I have creative busts (and the rare occasion I actually have some free time). So for tonight, I wrote a free-verse style poem that I am titling "Embers". While my poetry is often personal, I wanted to capture my heart in this one, as I hope to place this one in Dauntless!

Speaking of Dauntless, I am hoping for a mid-summer release. It won't take me very long to publish, as all of the content is basically finished. I hope it will be sooner then later, because I'm very excited to release it with you all! For now, I will leave you all with "Embers", enjoy!  


Do you remember sitting beneath a crimson sky? 

Like arrows, the birds flitted through the air with a certain 

Sense of freedom, I longed to fly unhindered with them. 

To be loosed from the captivating tethers of gravity. 

Was it wrong, to wish that I could leave this world behind? 

Not to die, but to spread hope as if it were wings, and 

Shake off the crippling chains of dull mediocrity. 

Could it be possible to see the world through new eyes? 

I had always been a loner, my mind was too vast 

To be understood, my heart full of thunder and storm. 

Hope, like feathers, spread despite doubt’s decay, 

Have I always felt so fierce, even when so alone? 

The sun’s setting grace has faded to tranquil night, and 

Here I sit, in solitary reflection as the stars gleam above. 

Perhaps one day, someone will stop and see the light 

That hides in plain sight behind my electrified heart.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wings of Darkness is on its way, featuring new art!

As the title of today's article suggests, my second novel in The Warriors of Aragnar is soon to be released! While I do not have a set release date yet; there won't be much more of a wait! I am truly blessed to have a publisher that not only believes in my story, but also gives me the opportunity to do so much more then simply write books.

As you surely can tell, writing isn't the only pastime that I enjoy. I also like to illustrate my story world through the avenue of concept art-like pieces that bring Aragnar (and beyond) to vivid life. Even though I am still learning how to be a better artist, and develop my skills, art is a passion of mine that has a very special place in my heart. After all, I have drawn longer then I have written (believe it or not, I wasn't born with a pen in my hand) and it is something that has lasted with me over the years.

I was initially surprised that my publisher included several pieces of my artwork in the back of Wings of Honor. It wasn't something that I had expected, and I am so grateful for the chance to share not only my writing, but my art as well. Due to this opportunity, I strove to compile several pieces for the back of the second book that were more of concept sketches in style.

I truly desire for Aragnar to be an immersive experience for the reader. The story-world is so massive and full of life in my head, if I can even capture a quarter of that through my writing and artwork, I view it as a success! Being able to depict my own characters and illustrate the creatures of the world is a true blessing that I am grateful God gave me.

In the following weeks, I hope to be able to announce the release date for Wings of Darkness! I am truly pleased with this book, and I can't wait to share it with you all! There still is a long way to go in the series (well, two books at least) and I'm honestly still blown away by the fact that I am able to release these books, MY books, and share them with the world! God is so good!     

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Of Storms and Trials: Hope isn't Dead

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation that seems to have no end in sight? Like a powerful storm that blocks all of the light, it swallows hope and seems to last forever. I have found that comparing the trials in my life to storms can be the most effective way to voice how I've felt in those moments. 

Like storms, trials I've encountered (and still am) are always hard, and often very dark. Sometimes I even forget what blue skies look like. In those times of darkness, I have a tendency to panic, and look at the lightning and rain instead of God. The storm sure seems more real then God does, doesn't it? 

That's because I've been fixing my eyes on the wrong target. Instead of looking at what seems to be doom, I have to force myself to keep my eyes focused on Him. More times then not, it feels like flying blind, unable to see the ground or any landmark to guide my way.  

But honestly? It is in those moments that I've grown the most in my faith. 

The world we live in is filled with noise. It's hard to hear God's still, small voice inside us when we're focused on the static of chaos instead of the steady promise of His Word. Because newsflash, when God tells us to "be still", He isn't talking about literally freezing in place and not even breathing. He's talking about a lifestyle. 

Two days ago, a terrible storm hit Lynchburg, Va, where my school, Liberty University is located. Rarely do the storm sirens sound, but that day, I heard them wailing through the dark skies at least four times. I had known we were going to get bad weather, but I didn't know how bad it would be. As the weather moved in and the sirens continued to sound, we were issued a tornado warning. 

I probably didn't take it as seriously as I should have. We never have had a tornado near Liberty in the last three years of my time attending the school, so why worry? Well, we didn't have a tornado touch down on campus and destroy anything (thank God) but the community of Lynchburg did. 

As I watched videos of destroyed buildings, shattered glass, and crushed vehicles, my heart hurt for my community. While I was safe indoors, fairly certain that nothing bad was going to happen, there were people huddled in their homes hoping to survive the storm. 

The storm finally passed, and the sun was once again seen in the sky, but the light revealed a saddening truth. Some were without homes, and others had their stores and businesses damaged. What could be done? Thankfully, I am proud to go to a college full of missionaries for Christ. This upcoming Saturday, Liberty University will join with our community in an event called Serve Lynchburg. Thousands of Liberty students and faculty, including myself, will reach out to the community in their time of need and help rebuild what was lost. 

You see, we ourselves may not be experiencing a storm of devastating proportion, but we never know who is. Whether it is a very real, physical storm, or an internal one, we as Christians are called to help those who are less fortunate then us, and be and hands and feet of Jesus. 

While some of this may sound cliche, it still doesn't change the fact that it is true. When I have been in some of the most terrible storms of my life, the people who got down in the trenches with me and weathered the onslaught are the ones to whom I owe so much. Why wouldn't I do the same for them? Or for a stranger I don't know? 

I believe God places us in the path of divine opportunities. And quite frankly, it's not about us. While we sure will grow out of those sort of situations, the honor and glory goes to God. We must be willing to serve Him in any capacity, even if it isn't easy. 

As my best friend told me a year ago, "fair weather never made for strong feathers." It's a quote that has stuck with me since then, and I feel it is appropriate to share with you all. When storms rise and darkness seems final, never forget that hope is stronger then fear!

Monday, April 9, 2018

New Story Excerpt: Historical Fiction

Today will be a different sort of post. I normally don't share pieces of my fiction writing on this blog, but today, I will have to make an exception.

I have been working on my fourth and final novel in The Warriors of Aragnar, but I took a short break to embark on a side-journey for just a little while. I have been wanting to write a historical fiction book for many years, and I had an idea I just had to write down. This following excerpt is the result. This story is still without a title, but it is set in WW2, and focuses on several German and American characters. It's quite different then the average historical fiction, but I'll leave that a secret for now. There will be more to come! In the meanwhile, enjoy!

Prologue: Memoirs of a Traveler

There is a certain silence in war.
A peace amidst adversity.
I had never imagined that in my years of life, I would experience something so horrid. The history books cannot hold a candle to what is seen before one’s very eyes.
I would know, because I walked between the lines of bloodstained ink, through the very laws of reality itself.
I saw. I lived.
I loved.

CH 1: Sound and Fury

“Death has no name other then what he is given. But surely, if he were a sound, it would be the wailing of sirens, the screaming of bombs.”

The night sky erupted into billows of flame, explosions shaking the earth. Mere moments later, the sirens screamed a warning too late. Searchlights flicked on with sluggish assurance, whipping through the chilly night sky. Black shapes filled the air, enemy planes laden with more bombs. Another explosion cut through the dark, sending pieces of brick, mortar, and debris hurtling unseen in every direction.

Screams echoed on the streets as helpless townspeople scurried toward the shelters, hands over their heads as they cowered in fear. The airplanes were so high above, and yet the roars of their engines reverberated in one’s ears…were they all diving now? Had it come to such a desperate course of action that nothing but total annihilation remained? Who could answer, for fear was the only thing that was certain. Death was sure to follow.

A lone figure ran across the cobblestone street, his officer’s uniform unblemished, medals gleaming in the firelight. He looked anything but brave. His face was taut with desperation, and his lips moved, but no words could be heard over the frantic din.

People paid him no mind as he rushed down a crowded road, they simply moved out of his way, too focused on their own safety. He, however, paid no mind to such things, for his urgency drove him onward.

He turned down the familiar street that led to his home, his stomach already twisting in somersaults as the acrid stench of smoke hit the back of his throat. He gagged, but continued running. He wouldn’t believe it, wouldn’t voice his fears until he knew he was wrong.

It could be said that fear is a stronger driving force then reason.

A ragged sob erupted from his throat, and he dropped to his knees. His officer’s cap fell from his bowed head, and dropped to the scorched stone road.

His home was utterly destroyed. Not a single wall remained standing.

“Amelie, no…” the words were forced off his tongue, laced with brokenness. Tears ran down his face, but he didn’t care who saw. His beloved wife of a mere eight months, pregnant with their baby boy, was gone. “My God, not her, anything but her!”

He threw back his head and screamed at the night sky, tears pouring down his neck and staining his shirt collar.

The sirens still screamed their warning, too late.

(This story is my original content, please don't copy/alter in any way, shape, or form, thank you!)
Image found on, not mine!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Paper Mache Heart: A Poem

Have you ever had a day in which nothing seems to go right? Or perhaps an entire week? A Year? For me, the past two days have been nothing but pain, strain, and little gain. (Okay, I tried to pun, don't shoot me! I'm honestly shocked I have the energy.) Life's thrown me an ample amount of difficulty, and it's been hard for me to keep my head above the raging waves. If it were possible to physically drown in stress, I already would have.

Now, I know that stressing won't do me any good. And I'm faithful to remind myself of a continue to stress. Why is it so hard to simply stay in faith? How come God seems to shrink down to the size of an insignificant pea every time I'm cast in the shadow of a mountain? Yes, it's perspective, and no, I shouldn't stay there. But sometimes, all the best advice in the world seems entirely worthless when you're hurting, upset, and beyond the realm of rationality. When I'm struggling with my fears, I always ask myself, "will it ever get any better?"

Thankfully, there's a good end to this story. You see, even though I am faulty, imperfect, and sometimes far too riddled with fear, God is faithful. He patiently holds me close in His arms as I weep, and walks with me through my trial-filled day. And you know what the best part is? Even when I hurl accusations His way, He doesn't shun me because of it. He keeps loving me through my pain. Not only does He care for me through my hurts, but He still blesses me regardless. 

I was given the most incredible opportunity today, one that will advance my future career, as well as my books. While I will give more details as this unfolds, I am so stunned, excited, and in awe of what God is doing in my life. I never imagined I'd get a chance to use my talents in such a way during my time in college, and I honestly am not sure where this will take me. All I know is that God, in His loving mercy, still gave me a tremendous blessing I desperately needed despite my tired, worn out, ragged faith. In my traditional fashion, I wrote a new poem about how I had felt, and how God's faithfulness never wanes of fades. I hope you enjoy it!

"Paper Mache Heart"

You say you want to fly like a bird,
But you're too scared to let go.
Of all the things that weigh your mind,
The hurts that crush your soul. 

"If I had wings, I'd fly far away", you say,
Wishful thinking of a grounded dreamer.
Who claws for waning courage to stay,
Regardless, deep down, you're still eager.

To taste the freedom of the sky, oh but pain,
That tears through the winded feathers.
Like paper, you watch them blow away,
You wonder if you'll ever find fairer weather.

But something inside you refuses to concede,
Against all the raging odds, it lifts high above.
You learn that no matter how much you bleed,
A soft voice whispers, "You're good enough."    

You think your heart's made of paper mache,
But truly, it is anchored deep in firm stone.
No matter what happens, never forget to pray,
For you will find victory through Christ alone.

You're fighting your very hardest,
Don't let them tell you their lies.
Faith shines forth in the darkness,
Against all odds, you will rise.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Art and Inspiration: Tools of Creativity

Sometimes I am honestly shocked by how far my books have come. I created this comic in 2016 for a class project, and it quickly grew into something more. I had a narrative, a story that had to be told. In the year 2014, I already had drafted out a book that I want to publish as a 'short story'. Never had I imagined in my wildest dreams that it would turn into a four novel saga. 

It was in 2015 that I published the original version of the story, even though it admittedly had many, many errors. It was in 2016 that I revised the tale, and repackaged it entirely. Through artwork like the rudimentary comic page above, I was inspired to take the story to new heights. 

In the original manuscript, the story was painfully boring. I'll freely admit that, being my own worst critic, but I knew it had potential. It was only after I first started to create concept art for the book that I discovered many of the ideas that are in the final version today. I had always been an artist, but I came to realize the power of illustrating my story, and the spark of creativity that would follow.

Since then, I have constantly been illustrating my story world. From the characters to the creatures, and even to the geography itself, my artwork has brought the books to vivid life. Even if I never share all the plethora of messy sketches and anatomy concepts with the world, they have been an enormous wealth of inspiration. 

What really blows my mind is seeing my characters in other artist's art styles. From the covers to commissions, seeing my characters through other's interpretations is honestly amazing! Since I've always done my own art, thinking of other artists drawing MY characters is crazy! Who would have thought? I certainly didn't.

It all goes to show you that you never know what God will do with your gifts and talents, and when you put them to His uses, you never know how far you'll go. Now that I'm nearing the release of my second novel in The Warriors of Aragnar and my own self-publication of my poem book, Dauntless, I certainly have been busy. But these busy days have quickly become some of the best days of my life.

I'm doing what I love, and I'm able to share it with the world. It's what I've always dreamed of doing, and to see it actually taking place just takes my breath away. I sure have a long way to go, but I'm choosing to enjoy the ride, and see where life takes me. It's a choice that it's easy, but one we must all make. God knows what He's doing even when we don't (which is honestly most of the time) but He is faithful to us!

No matter where we are in life, we can find happiness if only we focus on the bringer of life, instead of the lies whispered in our ears. The enemy tried to convince me to stop writing, but something inside of me refused to give up. Likewise, we must never give up in the face of trials, and once we finally emerge from the storm, we'll see that we are stronger then ever.   

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wings of Darkness: New Cover!

Aaaaannd here's the final cover!!! 

This artwork completely BLEW my mind and my expectations, it captured the story's theme perfectly and gives a foreboding glimpse into the events that unfold within. The first cover is largely peaceful, though Aleron and Maria's armor promises that there are battles this cover, that battle is at hand, and desperate. Here is the synopsis:

"For many decades, stories of betrayal, darkness, and blood have surrounded the mysterious land of Aragnar. Now, those tales have become a shocking reality; revealing a perilously beautiful land fraught with danger, discovery, and adventure. When a young woman is thrust into the forefront of an ancient war, her actions will determine the fate of thousands.

Finally free from the tyrannical reign of former King Raveyn, Maria Fellbane and her people have found refuge in Aragnar, a foreign land on the verge of escalating war. Despite their serenity, murmurs of shadows in the dark mar the thin line between peace and fear, threatening to tear them apart once more. When tragedy strikes, Maria and Aleron must make difficult decisions in order to save their respective people, as well as prepare for the imminent war ahead.

An ancient darkness prowls in the shadows, seeking blood, and only through divine help will any survive its onslaught. Secrets will be revealed, and questions uncovered as the battle for the truth commences, promising drastic changes for their future."

The tension in Wings of Honor is unfolded in Wings of Darkness, but it also offers a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. I truly hope that my readers will find this book intriguing, thought provoking, and engaging. It has been an incredible journey to write, and I look forward to sharing it with you all!

Wings of Darkness is available for preorder at:

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Wings of Darkness Cover Reveal Coming Soon!

I have finally returned to writing after a terribly long break! Speaking of breaks...I just came back to school after spring break, and I was so happy to have a chance to lay back and relax (somewhat). During my short respite from my regular homework load, I was able to wrap up the final edits for Wings of Darkness, the second novel in The Warriors of Aragnar!

This book is definitely bigger then Wings of Honor is, so it took me a little more time to work through all the edits and tweak it to near perfection. I am super excited to release it, as it's a very strong story, and I believe it will take the series in a very good direction. It is far more action-packed then the first, and as the title suggests, the book has much darker undertones.

I have always wanted this series to be strikingly unique and different then others, but when a series is being established, there's only so much you can do to avoid every single cliche. With the second book, I've felt much more freedom to break from cliches, which has been fantastic.

Now that I'm deep into finishing up the third, I'm excited for what the future will hold for the series, and I can't wait to reveal the cover art! It's a truly stunning concept, and it captures the theme of the book perfectly!

Stay tuned, as I should be revealing the artwork in the next day or two!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Dauntless: A New Kind of Book

Without further ado, here is the cover for my upcoming poetry book, Dauntless!

It's release admittedly long overdue, I finally have had some time to work on this side project during my crazy schedule. With my second fantasy novel, Wings of Darkness, nearing it's final polished state, I figured it appropriate to release Dauntless around the same time.

I've wanted to publish a compilation of my poems for several years, but I have been waiting to have enough poems that I think should be included. I've now reached the point where I have enough content to do so, and I am very excited to share it all with you!

Some of the poems will be familiar, as I've shared them on this blog. Others are previously unpublished, some having borne inspiration from my fantasy series. While many leave their poems up to interpretation, each poem in Dauntless will have a description of my thoughts and heart behind the words. Yes, I will leave the meaning of many of the poems up to the reader's reflection, but some are very personal, and so I felt it best to include them.

Writing a poetry book is definitely different then my main genre, and it's certainly been a learning curve. I've enjoyed every moment of the journey, and I look forward to sharing a piece of my heart with you all!

As the title explains, many of these poems are not lighthearted, but it has always been my driving vision to instill a theme of hope throughout my work. Dauntless is no different, and I pray that it's readers will be encouraged and challenged to dig deeper into their passions and see the glimmer of hope in our world.   

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The War of Ideas: Humanity and the Christian

Since the dawn of our existence, man has always sought to discover the truth of meaning. A myriad of schools of thought have developed over the centuries, contrasting in depth and scope, all seeking the answer to the same stirring question. Why are we here? For what purpose do we exist? Some seek the answer through means of varying religion, others through a specifically Christian lens, while many more choose to view our existence as not an important event, but rather, a mere accident with no lasting value beyond death.

If this is true, then how can human hearts beat with such passion for life? How can eyes shine with excitement as anticipation for a new day rises within? Why do we feel the deepest pain when we lose those we love, and experience the tragedies and toll life can bring? If we are truly creatures with no purpose beyond our relatively short lives, then all this would mean nothing. In the words ahead, I will attempt to contrast the beliefs of such naturalist thinking with the Christian worldview.

Do we, as a collective whole, have lasting value other than our earthly achievements? For one realm of thought, humanity’s value is not in who we are as people, but rather how efficiently we can perform. In the view of man as a machine, the end always justifies the means. Such thinking is consequentialism at its core, in which morally questionable actions are ‘swept under the carpet’ in favor of a desired consequence. The uniqueness of the individual is all but eradicated, as we are seen as mere cogs in a massive collective machine run by the powerful.

Julien Offray de La Mettrie, a French philosopher of the 1700’s, wrote a book so riddled with controversy, its publication forced him to flee from his native homeland Paris to Holland. Titled “Man a Machine”[1], the book was an expression of his atheistic and humanistic views. In this book, he wrote, “Experience and observation should … be our only guides ... Both are to be found throughout the records of the physicians who were philosophers, and not in the works of the philosophers who were not physicians. … Only the physicians have a right to speak on this subject. What could the others, especially the theologians, have to say? Is it not ridiculous to hear them shamelessly coming to conclusions about a subject concerning which they have had no means of knowing anything?”[2] In its entirety, the book promotes a thoroughly atheistic view of the world, supporting the secular theory that man is but a machine.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, but ironically just as hopeless in its result, is the theory purported by many that man is simply a pawn of the universe. French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre frankly explained this vein of thought in a lecture he gave in 1946, titled “Existentialism is a Humanism”. “Man is all the time outside of himself: it is in projecting and losing himself beyond himself that he makes man to exist; and, on the other hand, it is by pursuing transcendent aims that he himself is able to exist…this is humanism, because we remind man that there is no legislator but himself; that he himself, thus abandoned, must decide for himself…”[3] Sharing the same beliefs with philosophers such as fellow Frenchman Albert Camus, famed for his retelling of “The Myth of Sisyphus”, both believed humanity to have no eternal worth or meaning. In this worldview, it is stated that we, as human beings, may pursue all manners of frivolity during our lifetimes, but in the end, we will never escape the brutal hostility that is the universe. Man is truly helpless and meaningless, and this view supports a thoroughly defeatist mentality.

In an entirely stark contrast to the two theories described above, the Christian’s view of humanity is far different. Instead of being a product of mere chance, destined for a meaningless existence, the Christian view of humanity states that we are handcrafted by God, made specifically for His purpose. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” The Christian worldview upholds several other beliefs that stand in direct opposition of the two above. As I just explained, God made man in His own image.
Secondly, man has a spiritual element, destining us for eternity, and not just our earthly lives. Theologian Dr. W. Gary Crampton explained how man was more than a natural creature, saying, “Most obviously, rationality, knowledge, righteousness, holiness, and the internalized law of God are all spiritual or mental characteristics.”[4] Thirdly, it is clearly stated in the scriptures that God gave man dominion over the earth. Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, “…And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth…”

French theologian John Calvin vastly supported the Christian worldview, having said, “God preordained, for his own glory and the display of His attributes of mercy and justice, a part of the human race, without any merit of their own, to eternal salvation, and another part, in just punishment of their sin, to eternal damnation.”[5] Unlike the thoroughly humanistic worldviews, the Christian worldview is one of hope, giving a firm sense of meaning and purpose to those who otherwise would feel lost and aimless in our fallen world.

Though incredibly different, and nowhere near in agreement in most realms of thought, one thing that all three beliefs hold is that man has a reason for existing. The theorist who surmises we are machines still must admit that in their thinking, we exist for the purpose of producing. Likewise, even though the existentialist believes that we are destined for a cruel fate of nothingness, we still are doing something. In a noticeably twisted way, both secular theories mirror the Christian’s view of meaning, albeit for darker purposes. Where the Christian believes man was created for infinite meaning, both theories point to man’s destiny as infinitely lacking.

There is obviously only so much to be found in where these three views agree. In fact, it is far easier to see where they don’t, starting at the most fundamental level. Both the humanist and the existentialist do not believe in creation. Wholly Darwinist in approach, (who ironically, popularized his ideals long after Julien Offray de La Mettrie’s), they believe not only in man’s meaningless destiny, but man’s random chance of existence. In contrast, the Christian worldview proclaims man’s special creation, purpose, and eternal outcome. There is no other view that provides us with such an incredible reason to live, as well as a promise that one day, all that is wrong with this world will be made right, and all questions of meaninglessness will be swallowed by the hope that is found through Jesus Christ.

[1] Julien Offroy de La Mettrie

[2] “Man a Machine”, Julien Offray de La Mettrie
[3]Existentialism is a Humanism”, Jean-Paul Sartre
[4] “Man as Created in God’s Image”, W. Gary Crampton
[5] Institutes, John Calvin

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